Chapter 30: Damnit, I love you

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-Lucy P.O.V-
Where the FRAS had once been, there now stood a gigantic pile of rubble.
"Natsu?" I whispered, my eyes unable to glance away from the wreckage. I could not find the words to express how I felt. He wasn't dead, I was mostly sure about that. But I couldn't feel him at all, which made me unnecessarily uncomfortable. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. His name was stained on my lips, forbidding me from saying any more. I closed my eyes, and felt tears rise up inside of me.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I couldn't see straight.
Had I passed out?
I wasn't sure. I looked around, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I glanced down, to see a plank of wood lodged in my stomach.
"W-What is this?..." I muttered, as blood spilled from my mouth.
"Creator, your body will soon release the magic power."
Divinity was right- I could already feel it powering up inside me.
"How much time do I have?" I asked her.
"Only a few seconds, creator."
"Has everyone escaped the building?"
"Yes, I believe so."
I laughed, between desperate chokes.
"So that's how it gonna be," I said, grinning.

-Lucy P.O.V-
" he okay?"
I glanced behind me, to see the girl that had previously been with Levy.
"They told me you'd know if he was okay, more than anyone..." she continued. "So...he's alive, right? Tell me he's alive."
I stared into her innocent, hopeful eyes, glistening with tears. I had no clue who she was, but for some reason she held deep loyalty to Natsu. I gritted my teeth, and clenched my fists by my side.
"I'm sorry, I-
The building began to shake again, but this time fire erupted from underground.
However, I recognised this fire. This warm, yet powerful flame. This was Natsu's magic. If anyone knows his magic, it's me.
"Natsu!" I cried, sprinting towards the building.
"Lucy, come back!" I heard Erza cry from behind me, but I blocked her out.
I'm coming.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Flames began to erupt out of my fists like a volcano.
"Divinity, I can't control it!" I shouted, sticking my arms out in front of me. By this point, I would be buried alive, not to mention the piece of wood that was already making me dizzy.
The rubble around me began to set fire, which only caused them to crumble closer. The room that used to be here was in scraps now- I couldn't even see where the ceiling or walls had previously been.
"I guess...this is it, huh?" I muttered, breathing heavily.
"I am terribly sorry, creator. You have not yet adapted to using divinity well enough to be able to survive a situation like this. It seems my power has not served you well as I would've hoped."
"No, you did great," I told her. "It was me that messed up."
"Lucy would be very proud of you, creator."
I tensed up, at the sound of her name.
No, I can't give up yet. Not while she's waiting for me.
"Damnit," I said to myself, as I gritted my teeth with frustration. "I can't die here! Not when she needs me!"

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Natsu! Natsu!" I yelled continuously. The flames were out of control, and I could feel the heat from here. But that did not scare me in the slightest. No fear compares to the fear of losing Natsu.
I reached my arm out for him, despite the fact that I was still hundreds of metres away. I hoped, that somehow, it would be of use to him.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Think! For her!
Fire repellant: potassium bicarbonate in liquid water as an evaporating fluorocarbon, blended with carbon dioxide.
Divinity particles emerged out of my body again, this time travelling through all parts of my body.
"Work for god's sake!" I shouted angrily, as it transformed to the white powder that covered my body.
Now, I need to get out before the rubble collapses on top of me.
I looked around me, however it was hard to see from the rubble of the bomb explosion.
I'm not that advanced yet...I can't build something to drill through rubble!

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Creator, this is divinity. I am in need of your assistance in aiding the rescue of my second creator, Natsu Dragneel."
"Divinity? Wait, Natsu's alive?" I asked, already feeling a brush of relief over me. "Thank goodness..." I had practically been sure at first, but I had a crawling sense of doubt in my mind. Now that I was sure he was alive, I was far more focused. However, she did mention rescue. I may get more stressed in the next couple of seconds.
"What do I need to do?" I asked her. "Tell me and I'll do it."
"Run to him. Run like you have never run before, creator."
I was slightly confused at what she'd said. Divinity had always been to emotionless and scientific...
But now was not the time for questions.
"You got it!" I cried, as my running picked up pace again. "Hang in there, Natsu!"

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