Chapter 47: The Survivors

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The reason I'm publishing all the chapters at once is because they're all written except the last one and I'm impatient.
I started a drawing of Natsu and Lucy so I thought I'd show you guys, Natsu is so hard to draw wtf and his head is too big but SHUT UP I'M TRYING
lol I'm just joking. I draw manga a lot in my free time but don't normally share, so I thought I'd show you guys for once.
Anyway, enough of my talk, let's get on with the chapter :)
-Natsu P.O.V-
"NII-SAN!" Nova screamed, rushing into the palace.
"N-Nova!" I cried back. She threw threw herself on top of me in a fit of tears. Her whole body was covered in minor scratches, and there was a huge purple bruise masking her right eye.
"Wow, talk about a black eye," I said, laughing. "Now you're super ugly."
"It'll heal, idiot!" She shouted stubbornly, folding her arms and facing the other way.
"And besides...a lot of people have it worse."
We both glanced around, at the remains of fairy tail. There were people with missing limbs, torn stomachs, broken jaws, all sorts of injuries- some many will never recover from.
"I...heard about Cana," Nova muttered.
"Yeah," I replied with a long sigh. "Sucks, right?"
"Sucks? Is that all you have to say?!" Nova suddenly burst out. "She lost a hand, nii-san!"
"And she'll look at that wound for years to come, and be proud of what she fought for. Over two thousand people died, Nova. It does suck, but it will also serve as a huge reminder of what the council took from us today, and that we walked out with as much as we could."
She stared with a dazed face, almost in awe.
"Wow, Nii-San..." she muttered. "You' cool!"

-Lucy P.O.V-
"W-What?" I stuttered , stepping back from the coffin. "Toma's...dead?"
"By the time we found him it was too late," Gray explained. "And...and Juvia too..."
He glanced down at Juvia who was silent in his arms.

-Erza P.O.V-
"What's wrong with her?" I asked. "If she's injured, get her to Wendy straight away-"
"No, there's something wrong with her head. She's in some sort of terminal coma-"
I tensed up, my whole body made stiff from that single word.
No, I can't! I can't go through the pain of waiting again! Anything but that-
I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched at the contact.
"Erza, relax," Lucy comforted, with a warm smile. However, I'd known her long enough to notice that glint of fear in her eyes.
"It'll be alright."

-Natsu P.O.V-
After a few hours, word spread of the king's death and Hisui's disappearance. Eventually the staff showed themselves, explaining that Toma had ordered them to retreat underground for safety. They helped transport the injured survivors to a hospital, which took most of the day.

Now it was late, and the sun began to set upon the horizon. I was sat with Lucy in one of the palace's many spare rooms, still recovering from the battle. The room's back wall had a large decorative window that overlooked the sky's warm colours.
"Now, I finally have a chance to comment on your hair," Natsu joked.
"Well, it's all I could do to you like it?" I replied. Tucking a stray strand behind my ear, I teasingly posed for him.
"You look older," he added.
"O-Older?!" I cried, rushing to find a mirror. "I'll find a rosafelt that can grow it back-"
Natsu grabbed hold of my arm, halting my frantic craze.
"Unfortunately, you're hair's not the problem here," I told her. "The spell you used to defeat Draculos...Fairy Law...where did you learn something like that? And does it have a connection to your sudden desire to create Fairy Tail?"
I allowed him to let go of my arm, as I found my feet drifting over to the window.
"You remember that girl Rosa, back in one of the recruitment towns? The one who was making me go all crazy?"
"Yeah, it still pissed me off..." he murmured between gritted teeth.
"Well, her power had something to do with different realities. Alternate timelines, you could call them. The potential future where things turned out differently. A future that could've been."
I turned to face him directly, a stern look on my face.
"Natsu, Rosa showed me the future that we would've lived, if the council never released the restriction drug."

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