Chapter 36: The Recruitment Process

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-Lucy P.O.V-
We came marching out of the palace like a parade, our armour clinking like instruments.
I'd never felt so proud, not to mention the fact that Natsu was right by my side.
" we have the ability, where shall we go first?" I asked him, but he was too busy playing with something. "Natsu?" I repeated, glancing over his shoulder. I noticed that a small blue cat had crawled over, and Natsu was stroking him.
"He seems to like you," I said, laughing.
"Do you think he's a stray?" He asked me, as the cat crawled up his arm.
"It looks like it," I muttered.
"What's the holdup, guys?" Erza asked, who was only a few steps behind us.
"Whoops, sorry. I got distracted. Let's keep going," Natsu said. "Though this guy's coming with us." His eyes suddenly narrowed, as he looked close at the cats body while we began to walk forward.
"What is it now?" I asked him, rolling my eyes.
"I wonder..." he said, half to himself. Before I knew it, the white light of divinity was shining on his hand, as he thrust it through the cat's body.
"You're trying to give the cat magic?!" I cried, face palming. "Natsu, you're only going to hurt-"
"Aye, sir!" The cat suddenly cried, hopping up on its feet.
"Woah!" Natsu cried, laughing. "It's talking!"
"N-No way!" I shouted, staring at it in shock. Natsu smiled, and the cat smiled brightly back.
"What shall we call him?" Natsu asked. Seeing them bond with each other made me smile, too.
"Well, he seems to make everyone pretty happy," I said "So how about-"
"Happy!" Natsu said, grinning. "Let's call him Happy."
I giggled, nodding in return. "Happy sounds great."
"Aye, sir!" Natsu chanted, as Happy raised his paws in the air.

"T-That's him..."
"The dragon slayer..."
"Is that Lucy Heartfilia as well? I thought they both disappeared months ago!"
The constant chatter from the citizens of Crocus put me on edge.
"It's alright," Natsu muttered to me, with Happy dangling on his shoulder. "The council have been feeding them the wrong information for months now, and they're confused. Sooner or late they'll catch on to who the real enemy is."
"Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that there's a war coming. They won't be happy about that either way," I replied.
"But they'll be happy to know that the war will make this country better," he comforted, smiling brightly. Happy laughed, raising his paws up at the word 'happy' being repeated.
"He's adorable," I said, stroking him.
"He's a baby, too. He can't even talk properly yet," Natsu added.
"Don't start treating him like a baby!" I shouted. "He shouldn't be talking in the first place!"
"Just because you didn't think of it, no need to get jealous," Natsu teased.
"Anyway, that doesn't matter! Where are we going?" I asked. Nasty suddenly grinned, making me confused.
"Let's go to Magnolia," he replied.

"U-Um...Lady Lucy..." a girl stuttered, tugging on my cape.
"Yes?" I replied, turning to face her properly.
"My magic has the ability to create portals, if that would be of use to you," she said shyly.
"Portals? Really?!" Nastu cried excitedly. "We need to go to Magnolia. Do you know where that is?"
"If I can have a clear picture of it, I should've be able to make a portal for us all to go through," she answered.
"Well this is Fiore's capital! They should have postcards or something..." Natsu said.
"Of course they would," Erza added, overhearing our conversation. "You wait here, I'll find someplace that sells them."

After a few minutes, Erza returned with hundreds of postcards.
"I managed to find a postcard of every town in Fiore," she said, surprisingly proud of herself.
"Woah...there's that many towns?" Levy said, gazing at the pile in Erza's hands.
"Looks like we're gonna be gone for awhile..."
I said, sighing. "Well, let's find Magnolia's postcard."

"Nearly...there...found it!" Nasty shouted, throwing his arm in the air with the postcard in his grasp.
"Okay, then...are we all ready?" I asked around.

The rosafelt child took the postcard out of Natsu's hand and began to perform the magic. It was beautiful to watch, her delicate hands forming a small hole which seemed to look like an endless galaxy, stretching it until it was roughly the size of a door.
"Everyone, walk through this portal! It will lead us to our first destination!" I shouted out, and received nods in return.
"Oh man, am I excited to get home!" Natsu said with a wide grin. "Let's go!" He jumped through the portal without a second of hesitation.
"N-Natsu, wait!" I shouted, running in after him.

The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu AU Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now