Chapter 42: The Holy War I

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-Lucy P.O.V-
"Right, everyone's suited up!" Slaine shouted out to us. I swallowed my fear, then took a step in front of me. With divinity, I made a thick sword with the fairy tail emblem printed on the hilt.
"Impressive, Lucy," Natsu teased, with a smirk. "But I can do better."
He raised his arm up in the air, and created a long scythe that curled almost completely around his body. Swinging the scythe around him skillfully, he was now more than ready to fight compared to a few minutes ago.
"Holy creators, I wish you luck."
Natsu and I both glanced up, like an instinct, at the voice in our head.
"Deivina? Is that you?" I asked.
"Yes. I think the adrenaline in both of you has caused another awakening. I'm sorry that I've become such a burden to you both. But please, take me to my sister and I will sort everything out. In the meantime, I will bless these weapons using my power, on my own will."
Only a moment after Deivina spoke, a symbol burned into the metal of my sword and Natsu's scythe. It was glowing with bright white light, similar to divinity particles.
"What the hell is this?" Natsu asked eyeing it closely.
"It is known as Deivina's seal. The only downside of humans like you two using divinity is that the object you create is 'incomplete'. It cannot be decomposed, and it cannot react with other elements to change its molecular structure. For example, if you were to make a piece of food with divinity and consume it, the food would disperse as soon as your stomach attempted to break it down. However, placing Deivina's seal on an item will award it it's full properties. My seal can only be placed on items that I permit, however, to stop the power from being abused."
"Woah...Deivina, you're way overpowered," Natsu muttered, gazing at his new and improved scythe.
"Of course, I will also give your weapons special qualities. Natsu, being the fire dragon slayer, I would only see fit that your weapon has a little 'spark' to it."
As Deivina said the word 'spark', Natsu's scythe lit up in a raging blaze of fire.
"Awesome! Thanks Deivina!" Natsu cried.
"And Lucy, I recognize your strong relationship with the water bearer, Aquarius. Maybe carrying some of her ocean as your weapon will give you faith."
Instantly, my weapon became engulfed with water, just as Natsu's had done with fire. However the water morphed itself into a menacing sharp edge, bending at the top to form a shape similar to an axe, while somehow keeping the sword sharp and wide.
"I-It's amazing..." I stuttered, unable to take my eyes off of it. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, creators. Once again, I wish you the best of luck."
"You got it, Devy!" Natsu cried with excitement.
"D-Devy?..." Deivina repeated, and I could practically envision her sweat dropping from here.

Natsu and I stormed up to the palace's exit, and raised our unique weapons in the air.
"I am afraid this awakening has reached its limit. Make me proud, creators!" Deivina said, an encouraging farewell.
"Fairy tail, move out!" We both shouted in unison.
"Hey hey, what's up with those weapons?..." Gray murmured.
"Now's the perfect time to use everything you have, guys," Cana added. "Show Draculos what the power of creation can do."

Placing our hands on the doors together, Natsu and I forced them open and led our army out into the courtyard.
Surprisingly, Draculos was standing right there, waiting for us.

"H-How?!" I cried, stepping back with pure shock. "There's no way you all got through the city in such a short-"
"Lucy," Natsu interrupted, his pupils trembling with rage. "Look...behind them..."
I did as Natsu told me to. The sight was nothing short of horrifying- there was a huge line from the city's border to the palace, a clear cut path. And everything in that path had been obliterated.
"Deinira, Deinira! You truly are splendid!" Draculos cried ecstatically. He had dark black flames surrounding him, which instantly gave me a very uncomfortable feeling. However, the soldiers behind him also caught my eye. They were all women- the first two hundred or so, at least. There was something off about them, that I couldn't figure out.
"Deivina, analyse the soldiers at the front line," I ordered.
"Currently analysing the enemy. Result- two hundred and sixty five of the female enemy troops have magic flowing through them. However, this magic differs from ours. It has a thicker, darker texture. It is most likely dark magic."
I felt Natsu emotions tense up in response to Deivina's information.
"Woah, hold on...dark magic?" Natsu muttered. "Does such a thing even exist?"
"Dark magic? What do you mean?" Erza asked.
Of course- Natsu and I are the only ones who can hear Deivina. I thought to myself.
"I don't understand!" I shouted. The tension between both armies was unbelievable; the way my voice carried across the thinned air. "How did you create Deinira?! Where are those girls from?!"
"Lucy Heartfilia..." Draculos hummed, shaking his head. "I was always fond of you. But you were never good at figuring out the obvious. Did you ever even think of the possibility that you aren't the only rosafelts?"

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