Chapter 22: Your Tears Will Bring Them Home

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-Erza P.O.V-
It had been a couple of hours, and I hadn't left Lucy and Natsu's room. The others had come and gone, but I refused to leave my seat. They were both calm and still.
Were they in pain?
I was helpless, even now. Watching them both sleep silently, trying to think of ways to make it easier. Not just for them, but for everyone.
I was so selfish. Maybe I was just jealous of them being in the spotlight.
"We've come this far," I muttered. Leaning closer, I took hold of Lucy's hand. "And you're doing so, so well. Just remember that you don't have to carry it all on your shoulders."

I suddenly felt tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I smiled, laughing.
"Look how pathetic I am, Lucy," I told her. "I'm sitting here crying like an idiot while you're going through so much..."
I let go of her hand, and gritted my teeth.
What's wrong with me?
"I stayed at the FRAS so I could get strong! To protect you!" I shouted angrily. "So why, when I'm needed most, do I sit here and cry?!"
"Because you're upset."
I gasped, so caught up in the moment that the sudden voice made me jump. I glanced round quickly, to see Makarov in the doorway.
"Sir..." I muttered, surprised. Makarov only laughed in return, before walking into the room.

"Toma's right," he said. You're far too formal, even now."
"I'm pretty sure formality is expected, in a palace," I replied, laughing along with him. However, my happiness died down quickly at the sight of Lucy and Natsu. I sighed, as my gaze fell back into them both.
"I thought, after all these years, I would be a little more stronger," I muttered. "But all I've done is watch them take all the hits."
"They're taking the hits because no one else can," Makarov replied. "And you're right. They're going through a lot, and it's taking them a lot of strength to do so."
"So what's the point of us then? Why are we even here?" I asked.
"Those tears," he replied. He took hold of my hand, and placed it against my heart. "Your love, your loyalty. The power of this bond that you all share is the source of their strength. And not just theirs. It makes you all stronger."

"My tears...make them stronger?" I muttered.
"But they make me feel so weak..."
"That's because you're thinking of them in the wrong way," he replied. "When you cry, think
of those tears as Lucy and Natsu's power. Whatever they're doing, whatever battle they're fighting, they see those tears as a reason to never give up, to keep on fighting till the end. Your tears will bring them home."
"But the reason they need to come home is because I need them to! Because I'm helpless by myself!" I shouted angrily.
"And what's wrong with that? What's wrong with relying on your friends?" He answered instantly. "Relying on each other is the ultimate strength. Your ultimate strength."
There was silence between us, as his words sunk through me.

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