Chapter 38: My Stolen Future

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-Lucy P.O.V-
"Damnit, my magic's not as cool as Mira's..." Elfman complained with an annoyed expression.
"Elf-Nii-Chan, be happy you have magic," Lisanna replied, flapping her cat ears from her animal soul magic. I was giggling at their playful quarrelling, when I was suddenly pulled to the side by Erza.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"I never really talked to you about what happened with Akari," Erza replied. "She said 'Deinira', and it caused you both to pass out. What happened?"
"Right, I remember," I said. "We got distracted because of the research. Well, as we explained when we woke up from the coma, Divinity is a person. Actually, we know her name now. It's Deivina."
"Deivina...that sounds similar to Deinira," Erza noted.
"Deinira is her sister," I informed her in return.
"She has a sister? So they were actual people?" Erza said, hey eyes wide.
"They were children. God's children." I hesitated on my words, the thought surprisingly lonely. "They were the first two humans alive. Givers of creation and destruction."

"So there's a power just as strong as divinity, but causes destruction? That's bad news," Erza said, shaking her head in disagreement. "Not to mention that Akari said her name, meaning the council must know about it."
"But that's not the only thing, Erza," I muttered, as my eyes lowered. "We haven't known Deivina for a long time, but she has an almost 'robotic' atmosphere to her. She doesn't show emotion and her words are very factual. It's as if all those years of being dispersed as magic power took a toll on her humanity- like she forgot what it was to be human."
Erza's eyes showed a slight glint of sympathy.
"But when Akari said Deinira's name and we were summoned into the subconscious, Deivina was human again. She was so scared and desperate...and she begged for us to save her sister. Erza, Deinira may not have been created yet, but I promised Deivina I would help Deinira. I think I need to overtake again."

"But wait, you overtook all the rosafelts in Fiore that day," Erza said. "So why didn't you just create Deinira then?"
"I'm not sure," I answered. "I still haven't figured that out. But anyway, that's what happened."
"I'll tell the others," She said. "It's pretty big information."
"I didn't mean to hide it from you, I promise," I told her. "It just got pushed to the back of my head, that's all."
"I understand, Lucy. There's been so much going on, no-one expects you to remember everything," She assured, smiling at me. She then walked over to join Natsu and others. I was prepared to follow her, when I felt someone tug on my cape. I turned, to see a rosafelt child behind me. She had thick black hair that covered most of her face, and long velvet clothes draped over her body.
"Lady Lucy," she greeted, bowing her head.
"H-Hey..." I replied, uncomfortable from her strange appearance. "Is everything okay?"
"My name is Rosa. I have something to show you," she said. "It's urgent. Please."

As soon as I agreed she tightened her grasp on my arm and dragged me to an isolated area, where no one could see us.
"What is it?" I asked her.
"This may hurt," she warned. "But I have to show you. I have to."
"I don't understand, what do you-"
Rosa placed her hands on my head, and suddenly everything fell apart.

-Natsu P.O.V-
"Where's Lucy?" I said, already glancing around.
"What? Lucy?" Erza replied. She was obliviously familiar with our connection- it didn't take her long to catch on.
"I haven't seen her. Is it dangerous?" She questioned, as she began to search with me.
"No, I don't sense any danger. But she suddenly got very panicked, very quickly." I explained. "It doesn't feel right at all."

-Lucy P.O.V-
Voices, visions, people...

"I wanna join Fairy Tail."
"Fairy tail is the strongest guild in Fiore!"
"Oh crap, he's a Fairy Tail wizard!"
"Fairy Tail is the best."
"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy!"

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