Chapter 37: The Speech for Magnolia

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-Lucy P.O.V-
"Try it out!" I chirped, clapping my hands with joy. "If it works, it means we can really restore magic to the country."
"Restore...magic- wait, slow down. Can you just tell me what's going on?"
"Ha, of course you don't know what's going on. And you call me stupid," Natsu teased.
"You have no right to make fun of me now!" Gray shouted back, charging towards him. "You disappear for six months then come back with a damn army and inject me with some random liquid, only to tell me it's magic? Magic my ass, Natsu!" As soon as he was close enough, he swung his fist at Natsu's jaw. Surpringisly, the blow sent Natsu flying into the wall of the nearest building.
"Natsu-Sama~!" The rosafelts cried, rushing to his aid. I looked back at Gray, only to see that the fist he had punched with was covered in sharp shards of ice.
"W-What the hell..." Gray stuttered, with an expression as shocked as mine. I was tremendously pleased; unfortunately instinct took control first.
"Don't hurt him!" I shouted, pinning Gray to the floor. I could feel myself begin to use divinity, however thankfully Natsu wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"Lucy," he said, with a calming tone. "I'm fine. I'm fine."
"B-But he-"
"Lucy," he repeated sternly. "He's my friend."
My trembling anger began to settle, as I relaxed in his embrace.
"Um...overprotective, much?!" Gray butted in, staring at me like I was crazy.
"There's a lot to explain. Could we possibly go inside and talk?" Erza suggested, stepping forward. "Yes, I'm still here."
"Right, that would be a good idea," I replied, nodding my head. "But we can't exactly leave a whole army standing outside."
We all turned round, to see the rosafelts chatting amongst themselves, with the townspeople backed up against the pavement with fear.
"They don't exactly get along with the people," Natsu said.
"I guess we should just make an announcement," I decided. "Tell everyone what we know. That way, anyone willing to join the army knows exactly what they're getting themselves into."
"Sounds good to me," Erza replied. "Get to it, leaders."

"Everybody, may I have your attention," I called out, after clearing my throat. "As you are all aware, I am Lucy Heartfilia, a graduated rosafelt. And you all know Natsu Dragneel, a member of this town not long ago, someone whom the council has declared a 'criminal'. We are here, not only to put these rumours to rest, but to tell you the truth, and to offer anyone willing a chance to claim justice for this country."
Members of the public began turning their heads towards me. least I have their attention.
"Everything the council has told you is a lie. Even the rosafelts and rosafelt children have been fooled. We discovered a diary that contained information from hundreds of years ago- information that told us how rosafelts were born. You see, there was a time too long ago for any of us to remember, where everyone in Fiore had the potential to use magic. That potential was taken away from us by the council, once they released a 'magic restriction' drug via gas that forbid anyone from using magic ever again."
I paused, to allow the information sink in. It was so much for me to take in alone- now a whole country would have to.
"Rosafelts were females gifted with the ability to fight off the drug," I continued. "Due to a difference in the pores in our skin, only women could fight it off. And a tiny fraction of them at that. That is the reason for rosafelts. We are not gifted with magic- we are the survivors of magic."
"How do we know you're not lying?!" A man shouted out angrily. "The council said you were criminals. How can we trust you?"
"Because we have proof," I replied, nudging Natsu on the arm.
"Oh, right," Natsu interrupted, taking the hint. He stepped forward and cleared his throat, then continued the speech.
"You all know me, guys. The good-for-nothing jerk who lost his father. Well, it turns out that my father probably died in the process of creating my destiny. He used everything in his power to give me this." He held his hand up, and a small ball of flames burned above it.
"This is magic!" He shouted. "It's a gift we all deserve. It is not something to be feared, like the council made it out to be. And I will do everything in my power to free these girls from the discrimination the council caused them. I mean, you just saw Gray punch me with a fist covered in ice, for god's sake! You need to believe us. Please."
A man stepped forward, with bright and honest eyes.
"My daughter was a rosafelt child," he said, with a kind voice. "She had the power to give normal creatures mythical abilities. It was not a harmful gift at all. She had...the kindest heart and the warmest smile..." he wiped his eyes from the tears. "The council took her from me. They told me she was dangerous- hell, she would never even hurt a fly!"
He stepped closer, and nodded his head.
"If you tell me they're truly evil, then I believe you. I don't think I'll be of any use to you, but I hope the people of this town will realise the truth, just as I have."
I walked over to him and took hold of his hand.
"Thank you," I said, smiling. "Your trust means a lot to us."
"D-Did you just say mythical abilities?" Erza said, joining us both. "What do you mean?"
"She would do all sorts of things. But I think her closest friend was an eagle that she made into a Phoenix...what was his name..."
"Knox," Erza finished. "Was it Knox?"
"Y-Yes," he answered. "How do you-"
"Amira!" Erza interrupted, as she began searching through the crowd. "Amira, where are you?"

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