Chapter 39: Welcome to Fairy Tail

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-Natsu P.O.V-
I opened my eyes to a white space. It was completely empty, no floor or ceiling or other barriers of any kind. It continued forever, as if I was trapped alone in a never ending dimension.
"Hello?" I called out, and my voice seemed to echo on for hours. "Lucy?!" I shouted out.
I glanced round to see Lucy, a few metres away from me. She was in armour, but this was different to the armour she was wearing now. It was rose gold, with a long white cape draped over her back with a furry lining. What also stood out to me was that on the right side of her metal chest plate was the royal emblem. She had a small gold tiara on her head, with her hair pinned in a bun with two bangs hanging down, similar to the style was wore now.

" that you?" I muttered, confused at her strange appearance.
"Natsu," she repeated. Suddenly she was directly in front of me, as if she'd teleported. She grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me towards her, trapping me a in warm hug.
"Listen to me," she whispered, in a motherly tone. "Just remember to be strong."
"I don't understand-"
"You won't," she interrupted. "Not now. But you will. One day, you will."
She pulled away from me, and admired my face. The colours in her eyes were so worn and bleak, like she'd been to hell itself and back again.
Had she?
She placed her hand on my cheek, as tears began to stream down her face.
"This journey is tough," she warned. "But only you can do it. You and me. Have courage, Natsu, because it will only get harder from here. But please, remember this: You have my power inside of you. Even though it lies dormant, it is still usable. You can use it to bring me home."
I gave her a puzzled look.
"Why would I have to-"
"It won't make sense now," she replied. "But promise me. Promise me you'll remember."
"I-I promise," I stuttered nervously.
She smiled, and wiped her eyes from her wet tears. "Thank god," she whispered, as she placed her lips against mine for a soft kiss.
"I love you Natsu," she hushed, silencing me. "Now, you can bring me back."
She suddenly began to disappear. She was fading away completely, from the bottom up.
"L-Lucy!" I shouted, trying to grab hold of her. But it was no use. She shook her head, still holding a bright smile.
"It's okay," she said. "This is how it's supposed to be. Goodbye, Natsu."

I sat up, panting heavily. I was in one of the upstairs bedroom in the Strauss's home, which was above the bakery. We had all settled in somewhere for the night, since everyone wanted some rest.
Why was Lucy in my dreams? And why did she have that weird outfit on?
There was a small knock at the door.
"Come in," I called out. The door opened, and Nova cane through with a smile on her face.
"Morning," she chirped. "You slept like a log."
"Mum- well, our fake mother, I guess- used to say that all the time," I replied, laughing.
"Did you sleep okay? You're all sweaty," Nova added, squinting at me as she strolled over.
"Hey! No need to examine me..." I muttered awkwardly, trying to cover myself up.
"Oh come on, nii-San! You could be coming down with a fever!" She moaned, as she started feeling my forehead and checking my throat.
"I-I'm fine, really!" I assured her. "It was just a crazy dream."
"Oh, okay," she said, as she released from her over-protective grasp. I sighed, then brushed myself down.

"There...was a reason I came in here, you know," she began. I hadn't noticed at first, but one of her hands were clasped shut. "I made this for you," she said, as she stuck her hand out nervously. As she opened her hand, a necklace fell into my palm. It was the same necklace she'd given me in the illusion. She had re-created it perfectly, just like she'd done for herself.
"To remind of us of what we've been through together, you know?" She said, quite shyly. "If it embarrasses you and you don't wanna wear it, thats fine-"
"Nova," I interrupted, placing the necklace carefully over my head. "It's perfect."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"You're up early," Erza said, walking into the hotel room I'd rented out.
"I had to get busy," I replied, adding the last few touches to the stamp. "And...there," I said with a big sigh, leaning back in my chair. I had carefully carved the fairy tail insignia into an iron stamp, so we could all have our signature markings.
"What's that for?" Erza asked, peeking over my shoulder. "Is that a stamp?"
"It goes on your skin," I told her, admiring my work.
"You've been up all night making that?" Erza said, her eyes wide. "Why didn't you just make it with divinity?"
"I thought about making the stamp itself with divinity, however it would be way too difficult to carve a shape using divinity, so I just did it myself."
"Oh, I see," Erza muttered. "So this mark goes on our skin, you said."
"Yes. You pick a colour and where you'd like it to go," I explained. "So, what would you like Erza?"
"Hm...could I have blue, please? And on my..."
"Left shoulder," I finished, a hint of reminiscence flashing over my eyes.
" did you-"
"Just a hunch," I answered, laughing nervously. "Okay, hold still."

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