Chapter 7: Escape From Greedrun

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-Lucy P.O.V-
"It was totally your fault!" Cana shouted at Natsu. "If you weren't stupid enough to get yourself stabbed, then she would've been fine!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Because getting stabbed in the shoulder really didn't hurt much!" Natsu shouted back.
"I've dealt with worse!" She argued.
"Like I'm gonna believe that!"
"How'd you like a piece of-"
"What in the world is wrong with you two?!" Erza interrupted, grabbing them both by the shoulders. She slapped them both round the head, her glare glinting into their eyes. "Everyone's safe and that's the end of it, okay?"
They both nodded their heads in shame.

"Right, are we all ready?" I asked, making sure I had everything I needed. We'd all gathered in me and Natsu's hospital room to discuss plans and make sure everyone was prepared to leave.
"Okay," Erza began. "Let's-"
There was a scream heard outside. We all faced the window, disturbed by the harsh noise. Shortly after the scream came rapid footsteps from the hallway, before the doctor who had treated us appeared in the doorway.
"The council are here," he announced. "They're here for Lucy Heartfilia."
"Damnit, they've caught up to us," Natsu muttered under his breath.
"Our priority is to all escape unharmed!" Erza ordered. "Don't fight unless absolutely necessary!"
Everyone nodded, and just like that we were off. We all ran one after another through the hallway, down the stairs, and into the streets.
Council guards swarmed the streets like ants, all with weapons stronger than the last.
"There's so many!" Wendy said worriedly.
"It'll be fine, just keep your heads down," Erza assured, taking the lead. We tried to stick to the edge of the street, using alleyways to our advantage. But there were so many, it was no use.

"You there! Stop!" A guard called out. Several of them began making our way towards us.
"Erza, what do we do?" I whispered to her. She was silent for a moment, as she assessed the situation. Would it be easier to try and escape, or to just use force?
"Listen, take the back exit down that alleyway up ahead and go north. You'll see a train station- wait there. Act natural. I'll catch up with you later," Natsu suddenly explained to all of us.
"What do you mean?" I replied. But there was no time for him to answer. He ran forward to all of the guards.
"You're Natsu Dragneel, aren't you?" One of them said. "You assisted in the infiltration of the FRAS!"
"Hell yeah I did," he replied. "And I've hidden the Rosafelts in a place where you'll never find them."
The guards grew angry, and aimed their weapons at him.
"New orders!" One of them shouted to all the guards in the surrounding areas. "Capture Natsu Dragneel immediately!"
He turned to run, but faced me for a short moment. He gave me a thumbs up, followed by a bright smile.
Then he mouthed the words 'I have to protect you,' before dashing off into the distance.

"Nat-!" My cry for him was muffled by Erza covering my mouth with her hand.
"He'll be fine," she assured me, but I could clearly see her fist trembling with anger by her side.
"Erza, we have to go," Levy said quietly. She took her hand away from my mouth, and followed the others down the alleyway. But I couldn't take my eyes off the guards, flooding towards Natsu's direction. I felt someone grab my hand, and turned round to see Wendy.
"He'll be back," she said warmly. "He's strong. I know he is."
I hesitated for a moment, desperate to just run after him. But I remained in control, nodded, and went with her down the alleyway to make our escape.

-Natsu P.O.V-
I've fled from the council tons of times before. This wasn't any different.
I ducked through corners and alleyways, distracting them by knocking over various objects, the usual. But there were far too many for them to lose sight of me. However, I knew from that from the start.
Anything to keep her safe.
God, I was acting so annoying. But I couldn't help it- and neither could she. It was strange, and I wanted to know why we felt how we did.

"Natsu Dragneel, by the order of the council-"
"Screw you!" I shouted.
"What did you just say?!"
I kept on running, refusing to answer.
"Fire everything you've got!" I heard someone shout. Of course, they only needed me alive. They could hurt me all they want.
I heard the sounds of their guns charging. Pulse rifles? Or tasers? Either were bad news.
I wouldn't be able to dodge it in time. I was done for.
"Use what you have to protect her!"
There it was again. My father's voice, ringing in my head.
Use what? I don't understand!
I couldn't figure it out. Nothing made sense! I was going to get captured by the council, then they'd eventually find Lucy and take her back to the FRAS! She'd live a miserable life forever!
"Damnit!" I shouted, slamming my fist down on a pile of barrels.

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