Chapter 24: Unfolding Mysteries

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-Erza P.O.V-
Their tests went on through the day. Or that was what we'd guessed, at least. We'd been kicked out of the room five minutes after seeing them awake, and didn't hear any more news until the next day.
"Lucy and Natsu are ready to see you now, ladies," the nurse informed all of us on the other side of the dining room. We'd been told that they didn't want to meet us in the infirmary; they wanted to greet us healthy and strong.
Because they both were. And for that, I was more than thankful.

Two butlers opened the doors in unison, and we were suddenly back inside the dining room that we'd started in six months ago. Except this time, Lucy sat at one end in a long ball-room style cream dress, with Natsu by her side in a matching suit. He looked agitated and extremely uncomfortable, like a child shoved into formal attire.

"L-Lucy..." I began, too overwhelmed to know where to start. "I...I..."
"We're so happy, all of us," Wendy butted in, saving me from an awkward silence. "We've waited for you, and now you're finally here."
"Yes," I apologised, laughing. "That was what I meant."
Lucy let out a small giggle, which made the rest of us laugh.
"We're real sorry, guys," Natsu said, grinning like an idiot. "Although, to be honest I'm surprised you lasted three days without us!"
"You wanna start, hot-head?" Cana urged, her eyes narrowing.
"No way are we doing something like that on an occasion like this," I announced, standing in between them both. "Now I know this is sudden, but we all have information that needs to be shared. We need to tell you about your connection to divinity, and you need to tell us if the creation of divinity was successful."
"Erza's right," Natsu said. "I still have no clue why I'm able to use magic. Or, at least, I think this is magic..." he muttered, staring at his hand. We all sat down on the dining table in front of them, and I began first.
"Right, where to start..." I hummed to myself, thinking. "Okay. Let's begin with your parents."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Are you kidding me?!" Natsu cried, almost getting out of his chair. "They planned all of that? And that's why me and Lucy are connected? And why I can use..." he trailed off at the end, as glanced back down to his palm. "This is dragon slaying magic?"
This words, with his voice, instantly brought back a memory.
"Remember, Lucy. If you are ever in danger, he'll be there. The dragon slayer."
My mother used to tell me that all the time...
She was talking...about Natsu?
I looked over at Natsu, at his shocked face. The way such a childish personality could exist side by side with such a fearsome power.
I smiled, gazing upon him while he was distracted with this information. I should be distracted too- wouldn't anyone, if they found out half of their magic is inside another person? Or that their mother was assassinated by the council? But no, all of this mind blowing information was being swept away simply by the bones in his cheeks, the curves in his muscles, the mesmerising shade of his eyes...
"Did you already forget?" Natsu began, sighing. "You can't have thoughts like that without me noticing. I-di-ot." He spelled out the last word phonetically, then grinned teasingly. I felt my cheeks go red instantly, like a tidal wave of embarrassment had hit me directly in the face.
"Y-Y-You're the idiot!" I screamed, annoyed.
"Are we going to have this conversation all over again, just like in the infirmary?" Natsu asked, as he began to laugh.
"Um..." Erza muttered, and that's when we both remembered that everyone else was in the room.

"Don't. Say. Anything," I threatened, glaring at all of them.
"But you're so-"
"Anything," I repeated, cutting off Wendy. and by this point I could feel the darkness burning through my pupils, sinking into their souls.
"O-Okay..." Wendy muttered, tears in her eyes.
"Anyway, divinity," Erza continued, thankfully taking us off topic. "Do you know anything?"
"Wait, divinity!" Natsu suddenly cried, remembering the discussion we'd had in the field. Then suddenly, and not to my liking, he fell unconscious right onto my lap.
"Natsu!" I cried, like an instinct. But before I knew it my vision went blank as well.
However, it came back only a second after. The only difference, was that I was back in the field again.

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