Chapter 6: The Adventure She's Been Waiting For

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-Erza P.O.V-
We had all hired out rooms in the hospital next to the room that Natsu was staying in. Lucy and I were sitting on top of the roof, gazing at the stars.
"Lucy," I began, sighing. "About Natsu-"
"Please, Erza," she interrupted. "I don't want to talk about this right now."
"But I'm trying to make sense of it! He could be a danger to you, if you're not careful!" I replied, annoyed at her childish behaviour. In the condition we were in, we could never be too careful. "Lucy, do you love him?"
Lucy's face went red instantly, and she waved her arms in front of me frantically in denial.
"No! It's not like that! It's just..." She calmed down a little, glancing back up into the sky.
"He...he's just..." Lucy couldn't find the words to explain. "Just put it like this," she continued.
"Ever since I've met him, ever memory I have of my life I feel like he's a part of. I feel like he's someone I have to protect no matter what, because..."
"Because he completes me," she finished.
I simply shook my head, confused with her strange feelings. "Well, if that's how you feel," I replied. "Then I see Natsu as a friend."
"Thanks, Erza," she said. "I really-" her voice cut of mid sentence, as her eyes widened and she gripped tightly to her chest. She began to choke, before collapsing. Due to the roof being triangle shaped, she began to roll towards the edge.
"Lucy!" I shouted, running after her desperately. But we barely had any time, she was already inches away from the fall.
I didn't make it. I skidded to halt at the edge of the roof. The hospital was three floors, there would've been no time for me to do anything if I'd jumped after her.
I waited, my hands covering my eyes in shame and guilt, to hear the sound of her body collide with the gravel. To hear what could result in death.
I waited for those horrible sounds, but I revived something else.
"Water lock!"
I removed my hands away from my eyes, to see Lucy's body surrounded with water. Juvia was just behind her, sighing with relief. Then the water vanished, and Lucy fell into Juvia's arms.
"Get her to the doctor!" I shouted down to her. Juvia looked down at Lucy's unconscious body, then nodded quickly before dashing back into the building.

I couldn't understand what was happening to her. She'd been put in the same room as Natsu, on a bed right next to him. Still unconscious, Lucy breathed heavily and lashed her head forward, almost like she was desperate for air.
"I don't get it," the doctor said, composing all sorts of medical procedures on Lucy while he talked. "There's nothing wrong with her!"
"I can't use my magic if I don't know what's wrong," Wendy added. "Can you examine her further?"
"I've examined her as much as I can!" He replied.
"Then why haven't you found anything?!" Cana shouted, worried for Lucy's safety.
"Wait..." The doctor began to admit. "Her body is reacting to the same kind of poison that's inside Natsu."
"Was she stabbed with poison as well?" Levy asked.
"No, there's no wound on her," she doctor replied. "I've already injected her with the antidote, but she's not responding to it!"
I watched Lucy's movements, her struggling. In the corner of my eyes was Natsu, sleeping peacefully.
"Give me the antidote," I said to the doctor. He gave me a confused look at first, but he handed it over nonetheless. I walked over to Natsu, and injected it into his arm.
"Erza, why the hell are you injecting Natsu?" Cana asked. However, I didn't need to reply. Lucy's body already began to calm down, her restless behaviour settling into a gentle slumber.
"H-How...why..." Cana muttered, dumbfounded.
"Trust me- I don't know either. But these two are...bonded somehow. And I really don't understand how or why."
"That's kind of scary. Do either of them know anything?" Levy said, trying to figure out the situation.
"I'm pretty sure Lucy doesn't- she wouldn't lie about something like this. As for Natsu..." We all glanced over at him, curious.
"Let's ask him when he wakes up," Wendy said.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Did I pass out?
"Natsu! No matter what, you must protect her!"
"She is the future. You are strong- use what you have to keep her safe."
I don't understand...what do I have?
"Thanks to your contact with her, your power has been unlocked. You just have to find it inside you! Go, Natsu!"
I shot forward as soon as I woke up. Everyone was surrounding something next to me, however my sudden movement caused them to look my way.
"You're awake!" Wendy chirped happily. Erza stormed straight over to me, and grabbed my collar furiously.
"You better start talking," she began. "Or you're gonna be sorry."
"What? I don't know what you're talking about," I muttered, confused.
"What the hell is up with you and Lucy?!" She shouted. My eyes suddenly lit up, remembering the strange voices I had heard.
"No matter what, you must protect her!"
"Lucy," I began, concerned. "Where is she?"
I sat up, but felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as I did. I winced at the feeling, then held my hand up to my shoulder as a natural instinct.
"You need to be careful," Wendy explained. "Your shoulder's not fully healed yet."
Erza moved aside, so I could see what everyone was gathered around. Lucy lay silently, in a bed right next to mine. Despite my injury, I scrambled out of bed just to be by her side.
"What happened to her?" I asked, checking her body for any fatal wounds.
"She reacted to a poison that was inside your body," Erza replied. I gave her a puzzled look.
"But that doesn't make sense..." I said, half to myself.
"I'm guessing that's your way of telling us you don't know either," Cana added.
"Natsu," Erza continued, giving me a spine tingling glare. "How do you feel about Lucy?"
I stopped.
How do I feel about Lucy?
When I look into her eyes, when I see her smile, what do I feel?
I didn't realise how serious it was.
"I feel..." I muttered. "I feel like she-"
"Completes you," Erza finished. I frowned at her, only further confused.
"Yeah. Completes me," I repeated. "How did you know?"
Erza sighed, as if she already has this conversation. "Because that's exactly what Lucy said when I asked her the same question."
"She did?" I replied.
"Don't worry," Levy said, smiling. "I'll get to the bottom of this. There must be a reason why you're so...attached."
"It's like a gut feeling..." I said quietly. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just hungry."
"So you've been hungry ever since you met her? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not it," Levy replied, laughing.
"Maybe Natsu is in love with her," Juvia added.
"Yeah, that would explain it!" Wendy replied.
"No, you've got it all wrong!" I cried, shaking my head with flustered cheeks. "It's...really hard to explain. I feel like it's not something about her, it's just her."
"Yep, that's love alright! Well explained," Levy said, clapping.
"If you guys aren't gonna take this seriously then I'm not talking!" I shouted, crossing my arms with annoyance.
"It doesn't matter, anyway. You clearly know as much as Lucy, which is nothing," Erza finished.
"But we need your help again. None of us have ever been outside the FRAS, and the only place Lucy went to is Magnolia. The reason we ended up here is because she's just terrible with directions."
Lucy sneezed quietly in her sleep.
"Do you know anywhere where we'll be safe?" Erza asked. I nodded instantly.
"I know someone," I replied. "He's really into Rosafelts. Not in a pervy way, just...anyway, it's a three day walk."
Everyone's jaws dropped.
"T-T-Three...days?" Cana whispered, sliding to the floor in her own dread and sorrow.
"I guess we could take the train," I offered. "That would only take a few hours."
"A train? I've read about those!" Levy said excitedly. "They travel at roughly eighty miles per hour!"
"That sounds dangerous..." Wendy said worriedly.
"You guys have never been on a train before?" I asked.
"Been? I've never even seen one!" Cana replied.
" guys really don't live, do you?" I muttered.
"You finally get it? The FRAS is a prison. Why else would we run away?" Juvia explained.
"Yeah, Lucy looked pretty upset with the council. Especially after what they told Erza."
"Anyway, let's sleep tonight. Hopefully Lucy will be awake by the time morning comes, then we'll leave as soon as we can," Erza stated.

-Erza P.O.V-
I waited patiently by Lucy's bed, as the morning light climbed over the hills in the distance. As the sun shone through the windows and into Lucy's eyes, they squinted and fluttered open.
"Morning," I said, smiling. She waited for her eyes to adjust, then smiled back.
"Hey," she said, her voice weak. "What happened?"
"You reacted to the poison that was inside Natsu," I explained. "Weird, right?"
"Yeah..." She muttered, almost to herself.
We both turned round, to see Natsu grinning like an idiot in the doorway. "Good to see you're up. You ready to hit the road?"
"Natsu sat by your side all night like a creep," I told Lucy.
"Hey! I just didn't want anything bad to her..." He muttered awkwardly, rubbing his neck. "I'm sorry if it was creepy-"
"You stayed with me?" Lucy asked sweetly.
Natsu blinked at her, confused at her reaction.
"You're not angry?" He asked. Lucy shook her head in return.
"I'm...glad," she answered. "Because I would've done the same."
"Lucy..." Natsu muttered.
"Right, sorry to interrupt your little 'reunion'," I said. "But shall we get going?"
"Where are we going, exactly?" Lucy replied.
"There's someone I know that will keep us undercover, for the time being," Natsu explained.
"Okay, then," Lucy said. "Let me just..." She attempted to get out of bed, but failed due to exhaustion. "My magic power's..." She began, surprised.
"It's not gone, it's just weak," I told her. "You'll get your energy back in no time."
Then suddenly, Natsu held his hand out to her.
"This'll get your energy back, right?" He asked.
"What?" I replied, puzzled. "Natsu, I don't see how-"
Lucy took Natsu's hand, and both of their bodies glowed for a short moment. Then they both let go, and the glow faded away as if it had never been there.
"It...worked," Lucy said quietly. "Just like..."
"Last time," Natsu finished.
"So you do know something!" I cried, annoyed at being left in the dark. "What do you two know? Tell me!"
Natsu shrugged his shoulders at me. "Whenever Lucy's out of magic power, as soon as I make contact with her she gets it back."
"So, when Lucy used Urano Metria back there..." I said, thinking back. "That's why she wasn't exhausted?"
Lucy and Natsu both nodded, smiling cheekily.
"Why the hell are you two so confusing?!" I shouted, sighing.
"I'm sure we'll find out everything someday, Erza," Lucy comforted her. "But for now...I can tell this is gonna be a great adventure!"
My glare at them both lightened up, as I watched them grinning at me and each other.
"Yeah," I muttered, smiling back. "The adventure we've been waiting for, right?"
Natsu wrapped his arm around Lucy's neck, laughing.
"N-Natsu!" Lucy cried, struggling.
"Don't exclude me out of this!" He replied. "I'm as excited as all of you!"
"Okay! We get it! Now LET GO!" Lucy shouted back, giggling. And it was her bright smile that made me sure. The smile I haven't seen since the day we'd met.
"The adventure we've been waiting for?" I repeated quietly, so neither of them could hear. "More like the adventure you've been waiting for, Lucy."
Lucy and Natsu are already so close!!! But why does Natsu's touch prevent Lucy from being exhausted? And what is this power that Natsu recalls his father mentioning? SO MANY QUESTIONS THAT I ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS TO HAHAHA! Okay seriously though, you will find out soon don't worry!

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