Chapter 45: The Holy War IV

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The video above is a version of the fairy tail theme that I simply love. I listened to it while I wrote a lot of these scenes, so I guess you could listen to it too if you want to UPGRADE YOUR FANFIC EXPERIENCE
Lol I'm just kidding. But it really is an awesome song to listen to while you read.
Anyway, here's chapter 45!

-Wendy P.O.V-
Ciara stepped forward, and retrieved a small gadget from her belt. With a quick click, the metal twisted and unfolded to reveal a sharp glowing sword.
"See to your friend," she ordered. "I'll distract her opponent."
"Thank you, Ciara," I replied, bending down beside Cana. The first thing I noticed was her arm, bleeding terribly from her severed hand.
"Oh god..." I whispered. "Her hand..."
"It can't be recovered, brat! Just heal the open wound!" Ciara shouted, as she fought close combat with the dark rosafelt.
"Cana, I'm sorry," I said, as I placed my hands over her injury. Using whatever magic I had left, I stopped the blood flow, and used a simple magic spell that would accelerate the skin healing. After a couple of minutes, it wasn't completely healed, but now manageable.
"Ciara, it's okay now-"
I froze, as I turned to inform her of the news. There was a hole blasted straight through her chest, by the dark rosafelt's gun.
"Opponent terminated," the enemy muttered with a cold expression. Ciara stumbled backwards, before collapsing flat on the ground.
"N-No..." I whispered, crawling over to her. I was completely out of magic power; there was nothing I could do.
"Ciara! Please!" I cried, as I grabbed hold of her. "Don't die!"
"Hey...remember, I took a liking to you," she muttered, her breath escaping her.
She placed her hand on my chest, which caused it to glow with a black aura.
"I'm give you such a horrible power. But it's the only way...the only way you'll live..."
The black mask that shielded the lower half of her face suddenly dispersed, before appearing on myself. I gasped, as I felt a surge of magic power flood into me. It was such a strong-willed magic, the dedication to kill for your own gain.
"You better...not die on me," she muttered, with a smile. Her hand dropped from her chest and fell by her side. I closed my eyes, and nodded as a sign of respect. Picking up her sword, I glanced back up, at the dark rosafelt who was simply staring with no emotion. I sliced at the sword in front of me, testing it's power along with my own.
"Prepare yourself," I warned with a menacing glare. "Now you deal with me."

-Erza P.O.V-
In the distance, I noticed Wendy. She was fighting, but there was something wrong about her. She gave off a merciless aura, which was extremely unnatural for someone like her.

I made my way over to where she was fighting, to see if she needed any assistance, however I found myself stumbling over Cana, unconscious on the ground with a missing hand.
"N-No way..." I stuttered, staring with shock. Then I glanced back up, and watched Wendy in the midst of battle. There was a black mask over her face, which reminded me of a rosafelt I'd seen before. I noticed a body next to Cana's, and my brain put the two together.
"Wendy..." I muttered. I shook my head, realising what was really important. "Wendy! Do you need any-"
I was cut off, as my arm brought more pain. Fifix must've worn me out more than I realised. I grabbed hold of my wound, wincing, trying to keep myself calm.
"I can't be...done already..." I muttered, as my body sat itself down. "I'm sorry, Wendy. I guess you're on your own."

-Wendy P.O.V-
"Invisible," I whispered. The girl stopped firing her weapon, and stood still.
"Target lost," she said to herself, looking around. I ran around her, ducked down, and preformed a roundhouse kick that sent her falling backwards. I grabbed her by the waist and placed my sword against her throat. Then I released the spell I had placed using Ciara's magic so she could see my vengeful eyes.
"You're weak," I hissed, edging the sword closer.
"Escape...necessary..." the rosafelt murmured. "Must...escape-"
I tightened my grip on her waist, digging my nails into her skin till she bled.
"You killed her!" I screamed. "Just when she found hope, you ripped it away from her!"
"Wendy, stop this!"
I glanced over, to see Erza who was in pure shock. But it was no surprise. Right now, I was not the Wendy she knew. I ignored her, and faced my opponent again.
"War steals hope from us," I said, as my eyes drifted to Ciara's lifeless body. "But that can't stop us from stealing hope from others."
"Wendy!" Erza shouted further. "This isn't who you are!"
"No," I muttered, tears in my eyes. "But the person Ciara was to me...that wasn't who she was, either. She was born to assassinate. It was her purpose, yet she broke out of that destiny to follow her heart."
"But taking a that what your heart wants?" Erza asked. I faced her again, as the tears escaped my eyes and slid down my cheeks.
"What my heart wanted...was for Ciara to live," I replied.

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