Chapter 48: The Holy Royals

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-Lucy P.O.V-
We followed Clara down the hallway in silence.
"I'm sure you already know, but we are all very grateful here," she announced. "The kingdom has been under the council's influence for too long. I'm sure it can flourish in good health now we are free."
I smiled, happy to hear such news.

She led us to an office-style room, with two more maids stood by the walls. They bowed to us as we walked in. Clara took a seat on one side of the desk centered in the middle of the room, and gestured for us to sit opposite.
"I suggest you have a seat. This may shock you," she warned. I instantly felt myself stiffen up.
"Is anyone in danger?" I asked quickly.
"Fear not, Lady Lucy. No-one's life is at risk," she replied.

Once we comfortably sat down, Clara got straight to the point.
"Now, I'm sure you have both the news of his majesty's death."
I paused, hesitant. I guess I hadn't really accepted the facts yet.
"Yes, we knew," I replied.
"Well, it is our duty to read through his majesty's will and testament, to ensure that this last wishes are met."
"Well, of course...but what does this have to do with us?" Natsu asked.
"Normally the will is written for the king, and follows basic principles, such as dividing his possessions between his heirs and so forth. However, we have discovered that last minute changes had been made by his majesty himself."
She handed me over a letter.
"This was included with the king's will, addressed to you both," she explained. I carefully opened it, then Natsu and I read it together.

Dear Lucy and Natsu,
If you are reading this, then it means I have unfortunately passed. However, it also means that you won. Congratulations! I wish I could be there to give you both my best.
Times are changing, as you may have noticed. This country faced a great ordeal, and you two managed to help us all through it. For that, I could never be grateful enough.
I had a long discussion with my daughter, and she has decided to move away, and offer guidance from the sidelines when needed. I promise you; it is what she wants, so you may safely leave her be.
That only leaves the kingdom. I know how I have burdened you, and it pains my heart to burden you anymore, but I am leaving the palace and the crown to both of you. I watched the way you lead those people, with such determination in your eyes, and I was sure of it. You are the two I want to leave my country with. Of course, neither of you are obliged to rule. However I pray that you will see the potential in you as much as I did, and that it may aid your decision.
Thank you both, for everything you have done.
Toma. E. Fiore.

We both glanced upwards, to find all three maids bowing on their knees.
"We look forward to serving you, your majesties," they all said in unison. Natsu instantly faced me with wide eyes.
"U-Um...Natsu and I have to talk, outside," I said quickly.
"Of course," Clara answered. "Take as long as you need."

"Did we read that right?" Natsu said as soon as we'd left the room. "Did they just call us majesties?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure..." I muttered. "Is this really happening?"
"Lucy," he began with a sharper tone. "We can't rule a country."
"Do we have a choice?" I replied. "Fiore's in pieces, both physically and economically! We could use divinity to fix the buildings-"
"We don't need crowns on our heads to do that!" Natsu interrupted. "This isn't who we are, Lucy. This is someone else's job."
"Well that 'someone else' is dead, Natsu," I murmured. "And so are over two thousand people, not even counting the civilians. We are in no position to complain about our fate."
"Fate?" Natsu repeated. "Lucy, we were fated to save the world. Not to rule it."
"Yeah, well maybe ruling it is the only way to save it," I responded quickly. "Toma left this with us, Natsu. We can't let him down."
His eyes drifted to the side, ashamed of his actions, but he still put up a fight.
"I get it, but...Lucy, really? King? doesn't suit me."
I held my hands up and positioned my fingers like a frame around his face.
"You know what? I bet it will," I teased. "A sparkling crown would look great with that bright pink hair of yours."
Natsu scowled at me for a moment, however I kept my ground, smiling, hope he would lighten up as well. know you can't fight this.
He let out a deep sigh, then folded his arms.
"My queen, you flatter me," Natsu joked along, bowing down. "However, some changes need to made around here. If we're really ruling a whole country, it'll be ruled our way."
"Well, Natsu, I think that's kinda the point. We have the authority now," I explained.
"All the authority?" Natsu asked, a small smirk on his face. I grinned back, rather devilishly.
"All the authority," I answered.

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