Chapter 9: The First Stop

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-Lucy P.O.V-
As the train came to a halt, Natsu dashed to the exit like it was a desperate escape for his life.
" I keep getting motion sickness..." He mumbled, sulking on the side of the platform.
"Get over yourself. It's not that bad," I replied while grabbing him by the collar and dragging him out of the station with the others.
"You try it then!" He argued back. I ignored him, since I was too annoyed to listen. He'd moaned the entire journey, making it a horrible experience for everyone.

We'd arrived in Satina safely. The council were definitely tracking us- we knew that at the least. That's why we wanted to make our stay in each town as short as possible.

"This city is amazing!" Wendy said, gasping at the view of the huge city. We all did the same, for the view was amazing. Every building was dazzled in lights, lighting the pitch black sky for miles. The entrance was brightly flashing, welcoming everyone coming inside.
"Right, we're not here for sightseeing," Erza reminded us all. "Let's find a place to stay and get some rest."
"But Erza, look at this!" I told her, my eyes glued to the view. "We've never seen a city this beautiful..."
"We're also needed by the King!" She argued back, rolling her eyes.
"Someone doesn't know the meaning of 'fun'" Natsu muttered to me. Erza heard me giggle at his comment, and gave us both a death glare.
"Sorry..." I said, still trying to conceal my laughter.
"Let's just get to Crocus, okay?" Levy chirped, smiling innocently.

-Natsu P.O.V-
Satina was a huge tourist area, so there were hotels everywhere. We had walked into the first decent looking one we could find to see if any rooms were available.
"Excuse me, can we have enough rooms to sleep seven?" Erza asked the man at the counter. Since the girls had changed clothes, no one would suspect that they were Rosafelt children (or a Rosafelt in Lucy's terms).
"Sure thing," the man replied. "Who will be staying with you?"
"Everyone here," Erza told him, gesturing to us all. However, the man's welcoming expression faded when his eyes fell onto me.
"Y-You..." He stuttered. "You're the one on the news! The criminal everyone's been talking about!"
"Criminal?" Lucy repeated, puzzled. "What do you mean?"
But the man wasn't paying attention. He was already preparing to call security, or any alarm for that matter. I was already pissed- I wasn't going to get all the girls in trouble because of me. I leaned over the counter and threw my first at his jaw. My knuckles sent him out cold, as he collapsed onto the floor.
"Oh no you don't," I said, loosening my fist by shaking my hand.
"N-Nastu!" Wendy cried, shocked.
"What? It's him or us," I replied, sighing. I climbed over the counter, and grabbed a few keys to different hotel rooms. Then I handed them to the girls, a smile on my face.
"Looks like we'll be checking ourselves in," I joked.

"We should've tied him up," Cana suggested, as we made ourselves comfortable in Erza and Lucy's room. The room arrangements were Erza and Lucy, Wendy and Cana, Levy and Juvia, and me by myself (the only person that was willing to share a room with me was Lucy, but no one allowed her to). We would stay in Erza and Lucy's room to discuss plans for tomorrow, before heading to our own rooms to sleep.
"I don't think we should've hurt him at all," Wendy argued, clearly annoyed at my actions.
"I hate to say it, but Natsu did the right thing," Erza broke in. "We would've been on the run from the council if he hadn't had acted so quickly."
"Well done, Natsu!" Lucy cheered, grinning.
"What are you cheering me for? I'm a criminal, apparently," I told her.
"Yeah...what's up with that?" Cana asked.
"The council might've put a bounty on your head," Juvia added.
"That sounds like something they'd do," Levy replied.
"Someone will soon realise that the manager is out cold. We'll be lucky if we even last till morning," Lucy said.
"Man...sorry to be so annoying," I told everyone.

-Lucy P.O.V
We all went to our own rooms about an hour later. Erza and I laid in our beds, staring at the ceiling and talking.
"This is weird, isn't it?" I asked her. "Who would've thought we'd be heading to see the King of Fiore?"
"Who would've though that Natsu could escape a whole fleet of council guards?" She replied, laughing. "The past few days have been very strange, indeed."
"Hey, you remember Akari?" I muttered.
Erza's laughing vanished at the name. After a second of hesitation, she answered.
"Who wouldn't," she said. "She was something else."

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