Chapter 43: The Holy War II

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-Erza P.O.V-
We clashed together in a blaze of anger and vengefulness.
"Heaven's wheel armour!" I chanted, as my majestic armour fitted itself to my body.
Who should I attack? There are so many...
I glanced around, at everyone fighting so intensely.
So brutal...
I glanced forward, to see that someone was just about to launch a surprise attack. Her eyes were wide with pure insanity, with a wicked smile that spread across her whole face. Her armour was dark and extremely revealing, which matched her thick dark hair. I barely had enough time to block as her strike sent me flying backwards. I collided with a wall from a destroyed building, as the rubble collapsed on top of me.
"Erza Scarlet...Erza Scarlet..." she muttered, as her hair fell over her face. She laughed a bit too ecstatically, as I dug my way out through the debris.
"Little miss hero, aren't you? Beautiful sword dancing, with beautiful magic..." she mumbled further. "How you boasted of your achievements, and the 'power of friendship'...while we rotted in the dark!"
She pounced toward me, with two daggers that appeared in her hands.
So quick!...
Her weapons clashed against my wide sword, creating an intimidating ringing around us. The strongest of our blades, our willpower being tested against us.
"You think you're so high and mighty," the stranger said, a certain sharpness to her tone.
"But you're not the only one who can re-equip."

-Cana P.O.V-
My breathing was so heavy, and I struggled to keep up with the constant stream of enemies. The dark magic rosafelts had gone directly up against our own, but we had the advantage.
Everyone in fairy tail can use magic, but only their rosafelts can use dark magic. Our power should completely outclass theirs...I thought to myself. However, my theory was quickly disproved. A guard rushed over to me, with a sword that was clearly marked with magic enchantments.
"Stupid Draculos and his stupid destruction..." I murmured, as I swiped a card from my belt. The guard had magic, but clearly not that much. I knew I was capable of overpowering them with my card magic.
"Dispel!" I chanted, as I threw my card towards them. It landed directly on the weapon and did its work- rendering whatever spell they'd placed on it powerless.
"You damn rosafelts!" They shouted, and began to charge straight at me.
"C-Crap..." I stuttered, quickly going for my deck in my belt.
I can't find the right cards...
Just as they was about to strike me down, a bullet whistled past my head and flew straight through their forehead. They instantly went limp and collapsed to the ground, as their blood spilled onto the battlefield. I spun on my heel to find Bisca, her gun still raised in the air.
"You okay?" She asked, between pants. "Thank god I shot in time."
"Y-Yeah..." I replied, but I found myself drawn back to the dead enemy before me. Bisca walked over, slipping her gun in her belt. She stood next to me, as we silently faced what we'd accomplished.
" okay?" Bisca repeated, glancing over at me. I nodded slowly, but my eyes were sunken.
"It just hit me what we're doing," I answered truthfully. "That we're killing people."

-Wendy P.O.V-
"I can do this, I can do this..." I mumbled to myself. I could normally find the courage in battle. The real reason to fight gave me strength. Whether it was for friends, or for justice, or any other purpose. But suddenly when you're in a battlefield, it all gets muddled- everything is so foggy and deceiving  that you can't help but wonder if you're really doing the right thing.

A man came rushing towards me.
"Wind magic! Tornado!" I chanted. A violent swirl of wind surrounded him, sending him flying up into the air before plummeting him back to the ground. There were numerous men around him, too, which I managed to take out with the after-effects.
"Quick disperse!" I shouted, clasping my hands together then ripping them apart. The mini tornado followed my action, dividing with such speed that it lashed the enemies around it with a strong force of wind. They cried out as they were sent flying backwards, collapsing into the ground as the force gave out.
"Okay, that takes care of that..." I muttered, looking around nervously.
"Help! Help me please!"
I spun on heel at the cry for help. There was woman who looked extremely lost and terrified.
Of course...Draculos cut right through the city. She must be a civilian caught up in all this...
"Hey! Come over here!" I called out to her. She faced my way, and a brush of relief swept over her.
"Thank goodness!" She cried, as she began to run over. "I was so scared-"
She suddenly stopped, her eyes wide.
"M-Miss?" I stuttered. The woman's knees bent inwards as she collapsed into the ground, revealing someone behind her. The new appearance was a small child, with bright pink hair in two big bunches. She was holding a small pistol with the steam still floating out of the barrel, from the shot she had just taken. She shot that had killed.
"Whoops!" She said, covering her mouth in fake surprise. "Someone got in the way of my bullet. What a shame."
"How...could you..." I muttered, trembling. "She was completely innocent-"
"This is war cupcake, it's for killing. Which is exactly what I'm gonna do to you," she hummed, as she clicked the gun back ready to fire again. "Now hold still."
I glanced down at my shaking body.
Why can't I move?!
"That's a good girl!" Said the stranger who was clearly a dark rosafelt. "This will only hurt a lot."
N-No...wait...I wanna fight!
"I...have to..." I whispered. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but my whole body was frozen in place.
"Too late, girly. You're out of time."
"Blinding victim!"
I gasped at the new voice. Someone suddenly jumped in front of me, holding their arm out for protection. I could tell who it was; I still remembered their face, half masked with darkness.
"Ciara!" I cried. "You're here!"
"You idiot," she replied. "Why didn't you fight back? You're clearly capable."
"I-I couldn't..." I stuttered, ashamed of myself.
"Anyway, that doesn't matter. I blinded her for now, with my magic Assassin's world. But it won't last long. We should run while she's distracted."
"D-Damn you! What did you do?!" The dark rosafelt screamed, scratching at her eyes.
"Ciara, thank you," I said. "I would've been dead if it weren't for-"
"Save the gratitude for when we make it out alive," she interrupted. "I've take a liking to you, so you better not die on me."
I hesitated for a moment, before nodding quickly.
"I won't let you down," I replied, with an honest smile.

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Natsu!" I shouted, as Draculos struck at me again. He pinned me to the floor, his hand reaching out with the dark aura surrounding it.
"Right!" Natsu replied, grabbing him from behind. He quickly created a sharp iron dagger and attempted the lodge it through Draculos's skin, but he quickly deflected the attack while keeping me at bay.
"Deivina! Give me some information!" I ordered, struggling against him.
"There's no use relying on her! Everything created can eventually be destroyed!" Draculos threatened, gritting his teeth with insane rage. Then he yelled with frustration as he thrust his hand towards me.
"Lucy!" Natsu cried.
"I' it..." I muttered. I created heaps of iron, a simple material as his hand demolished through it. I had to create something for him to destroy, so that he wouldn't destroy me.

-Erza P.O.V-
She's a re-equip mage like me? This is the first time I've ever...
My thoughts trailed off as the dark rosafelt's sword clashed mine. However, as soon as the blades touched, my sword rusted away from the contact and eventually crumbled apart.
"Haha, how pathetic!" She cried ecstatically. "Your magic is just like mine, yet I'm so much stronger than you! Maybe cause mine is darker, can kill quicker..." she had a habit of mumbling to herself while her thick hair covered merciless eyes. "Well I hope you're ready Scarlet! Cause I'm coming!"
I smirked, and summoned my clear heart clothing, with my sharp katana in my hands. I tilted it slightly, so the light reflected on the edge of the blade.
"I see defence won't do too much against an opponent like you. I guess I'll have to go all out then."
"Yes, yes! That would be splendid," the enemy replied, laughing to herself. "This is what a real battle feels like!"
She raised her sword, and pounced towards me. I quickly spun, avoiding her attack. During this I summonsed a quick dagger which clashed with her sword.
"I thought you were smarter than that, Scarlet!" She shouted. "I can destroy any weapon-"
Before she could finish her sentence, I struck her in the shoulder with my katana which I was holding in my other hand. She gasped, shocked from taking damage.
"Yes, you can destroy my weapons. But not all at the same time. My re-equip is smoother than yours, all I needed to do was distract you and I had an easy opening," I told her. Her eyes widened and her pupils trembled with rage.
"Erza Scarlet! Erza...Scarlet!" She cried, shaking her head.
"For someone with such potential, you've really wasted yourself. Dark magic or not, you're strong. However, I don't even know your name, and I'm clearly on the winning side. Yet here you are, obsessing over me..." I murmured, looking down on her behaviour. "How shameful."
She yelled out loud with frustration, and summoned a larger weapon, destroying the previous one.
"My name...I don't have a name!" She screamed, charging at me once again.
She doesn't even have a name?
I readied myself to counterattack, my sword in position. However, as she was before me, I caught a glimpse of her face as the wind cleared her tattered hair.
Her cheeks were covered with bloodied tears.

As I was distracted, she sunk her weapon into my arm. I cried out and dropped my sword which dispersed back into the air. Trying to reduce the blood loss, I clutched onto the wound tightly.
"I'll kill you, Scarlet! I'll-"
"You're...crying..." I muttered, the pain restricting my speech. She paused, looking at me with utter confusion.
"Why are you crying?" I asked her further.
"Crying? I'm...not..." she muttered, feeling her face. She gasped as her felt the blood, smearing it over her skin. Then she simply laughed slightly to herself, looking at her newly stained hands.
"I see..." she said in a half- whisper. "This is what he..."
She backed up slightly, almost like a stumble.
"H-Hey..." I said, nearing her. "What's happening to you?"
She quickly shook herself out of whatever daze she was in, and summonsed another sword again.
"Again," she muttered, with a serious tone. Her crazy psychotic atmosphere had vanished, replaced by pure determination. I ripped off a piece of fabric from my clear heart's trousers, and quickly tied it around my wound. My arm would still be practically useless in combat, but at least the bleeding would stop.
"As you wish," I answered, as I watched with sympathy as she charged again.
Oh god once again I'm so sorry this is like really late uhhhhh
War scenes ah, I'm really trying my best and I hope they're okay.

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