Chapter 49: Recovering

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I'm sorry, I just had to put that picture in. I mean, come on! He strangely looks like a badass and I love it so much :)
Okay, here's chapter 49:
-Lucy P.O.V-
"King and Queen?!" Gray and Wendy both cried together. I giggled, finding it enjoyable that everyone had the same reaction.
"Yeah, we kinda took over for Toma," I explained. "But anyway, now's not the time for that. At the moment we have to-"
"E...KI...RO! You get back here right now!"
Ekiro suddenly came rushing out of one of the doors leading into the throne room, a look on his face that spelled horror all over.
"Lucy, you gotta help me!" He begged, grabbing onto the fabric of my dress. "She's completely lost it-"
"Don't you dare start badmouthing me!" The voice continued, emerging from the shadows. Only when the figure came into light that I realised it was Niska, fury burning in her eyes.
"How could you do this to me?!" She screamed. "I just fought in a war! What if...what if it got hurt?!"
"Well I didn't know 'it' existed until a few minutes ago!"
"That's doesn't mean it's not your fault! You forced me...forced me to do that-"
"I forced you?! You were the one who-"
"Um, excuse me both of you, but can you please explain what's happening?" I asked politely, trying to hide the fact that I was totally weirded out by their conversation.
"Niska's getting all hysterical because she found out...found out that-"
"Nothing! I didn't find out anything," Niska butted in, shoving her hand over Ekiro's mouth.
"Excuse him for being so reckless," she said with a clear fake smile on her face.
"Um, Niska...what's that in your hand?" Wendy asked, pointing to the small object in her hand that resembled a thermometer in shape.
"T-This? This is nothing..." she trembled, quickly hiding it behind her back. "Anyway, I'm sure you two are both very busy right now..."
"What was that 'it' you were both talking about?" I added, smirking. "Guys, is there something you wanna tell us?"

"N-No! Of course not! Why would there be...something to..." Niska mumbled off into pointless talk.
"Oh give it up, Niska," Ekiro said, brushing himself down after being in her grip. "My lovely Niska here is pregnant."
Even though we were expecting it, we couldn't stop our faces from falling blank.
"I didn't even know you guys were in a relationship..." I murmured with narrow eyes.
"When did you-"
"None of your business!" Niska cried frantically, grabbing Ekiro and running off into the distant hallway.
"Well, that was...something," Erza said.
"Yes, but unfortunately our main priority here is Draculos. We can truly celebrate once he's been take care of," I explained.

"I say we found him alive, but he really is in critical condition," Clara continued as she led us into the palace's basement dungeons. "He was completely unconscious and wouldn't wake up no matter what we did."
"You should've come to get us as soon you found him. If he was still able to fight, some of you might've died," I explained.
"I apologise, your highness. Next time such an event occurs I will bring you immediately."
"Well, it's all in the past now. Bring him to the palace's courtyard." I created a dagger in front of me, and grabbed it with such force that the blade sliced the air apart. "I'll execute him there."

"Execute?!" Erza repeated, shock struck in her eye. "Lucy, you can't be serious."
"Of course I am!" I shouted back. To be honest, her words had truly offended me. And I wasn't afraid to let her know why.
"He was responsible for the deaths of over two thousand people, Erza! That is more than enough reason to-"
"I'm not talking about whether or not he deserves it," she interrupted. "I'm talking about if you deserve it. If you deserve to carry that weight on your shoulders." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "You don't, Lucy."
I laughed, and shook her hand off of me. "I've killed people before. How will this be any different?"
"Lucy, calm down for a minute," Natsu warned, a concerned look on his face. I stared at all them with utter disbelief.
"Are you all kidding me?" I asked. "I intended for that spell to kill him in the first place! Why is it so wrong to kill him now?!"
"Lucy, everyone deserves a second-"
I aimed at the dagger at Cana's throat as soon as those words escaped her lips, pure rage taking control of my actions.
"Don't you dare say that," I murmured. "He all of could you let him live?!"
"Because it's not who you are! You're a kind person, Lucy!" Natsu shouted back, placing his hand over mine and lowering the weapon.
"He's doing this to you," he muttered in my ear, as he wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace.
"I kill him..." I whispered, tears in my eyes. "I have's the only way I can be free..."
Natsu glanced up at Clara, with an expression that suddenly wiped all his stupidity away from him.
"Prepare Draculos for an execution, in the courtyard," he ordered.

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