Chapter 21: Lucy and Natsu, The Holy Creators

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-Erza P.O.V-
"So this is Crocus, huh?" Cana said, leaning her head out the carriage window to get a better view. We had only just arrived, and it was the early morning. As Gildarts drove us through the streets, we admired the townspeople, the shops, and various other aspects of the large city.
"Don't get too ahead of yourselves, ladies. We'll shop later. I'm afraid right now we have direct orders to go straight to the king," Gildarts called out from the drivers seat.

The palace was huge. The outside was lined with giant formidable stone walls, and within the walls stood an extremely beautiful palace dressed in hints of purple and gold.
"It's called Mercurius," Levy said, as she followed my gaze. "The King of Fiore lives there."

The carriage stopped at the gates. I peeked out the window once again, to see that Makarov had hopped off of the front seat and was making his way over to the guard control panel. Two men in heavy armour patrolled out of the panel room before he'd even made it there, and surrounded him.
"It's okay," Gildarts interrupted, noticing my panic. "I told you, remember? Direct orders. We're not intruders here, we're guests."
When I looked back at Makarov again, the guards nodded their heads at him and returned into the control panel. Makarov turned round and began to make his way back, as one of the two men that had approached him called out.
"Front gate opening!"

As the large metal gates that would let us enter trough the stone walls opened up, Gildarts drove us through.
"I'm kinda nervous..." Wendy muttered.
"Me too," Cana added. "I mean, I know they're only for protection, but the giant walls and heavily armed guards make this place pretty intimidating."
"Relax, children," Makarov said from the front, laughing. "The king is apparently very kind. And he has a daughter who is about your age."
"He has a daughter? I never knew that!" Levy said excitedly.

Gildarts parked up at the very front of the palace, and we all got out. Well, everyone except Lucy and Natsu, who were still unconscious. I glanced at them for a while, a worried expression on my face.
"Are they gonna be okay?" Wendy asked.
"They'll be fine," I replied, smiling for her sake. "Lucy wouldn't kick the bucket that easily. The same goes for Natsu."
"But no-one knows how divinity could be-"
"But it isn't. Wendy, those kind of thoughts don't belong in a mind like yours," I told her. "They'll pull through no matter what."
Wendy hesitated for a second, my words running through her head. However, she eventually smiled and nodded.
"You're right, Ezra," she said. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," I replied, laughing. I watched Wendy as she walked over to the rest of the group.
She believes you.
Now all you need is to believe yourself.

Four women in white nurse uniform came out of the castle in pairs, which two stretcher beds. They both lifted Natsu and Lucy onto the beds, then faced us. "The king has requested you to follow us," one of them spoke, before taking Lucy and Natsu back into the castle.
"You heard her. Let's get going," Makarov ordered, walking ahead.

The nurses led us straight to a giant room with two king sized beds. They carefully placed Natsu and Lucy into a bed each, before leaving the room and us alone.
"Don't they need a hospital?" Juvia asked. I shook my head.
"Physically, there's nothing wrong with them. A hospital wouldn't do anything, and the beds here are far more comfortable. It's either sleep on these lovely beds or sleep on the metal beds in an infirmary," I explained.
"Oh...I guess that makes sense," Juvia replied.

We all sat down, completely clueless on what to do next.
"Is the king coming to see us then? Do we just wait here?" Cana asked Makarov. He simply shrugged in return.
"The king is a very busy man. However, I would hope that this matter would take priority..." he muttered. Suddenly, as of on cue, a maid opened the door to the room.
"The king will see you now."

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