Chapter 17: The Dragon Slayer Wakes

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-Lucy P.O.V-
I threw my head forward as soon as I woke up.
What happened? We were surrounded by council guards...and now I'm...
I looked around, only to realise I was within the confined walls of a prison cell.
I...was captured? How? Why can't I remember anything?
"Lucy Heartfilia."
I glanced upwards at the sound of my name. There was a woman with short blonde hair, and sharp purple eyes.
"Hiya," she began, kneeling down. "I'm not supposed to be here, so I have to make this quick."

"What?" I began, confused. However, I shortly after noticed her outfit . She was wearing a dark purple kimono, with red ribbons here and there. It wasn't as flashy as normal, but it was still a Rosafelt's clothing. When I admired her appearance, I also realised that she was the Rosafelt child that had attacked me in the forest.
"Were you the one that took me here?" I asked.
"Yes, technically...but I didn't hurt you," she explained. "My name is Niska. Nice to meet you, Lucy."

"You brought me here! Why?" I continued, ignoring her greeting. She was silent for a moment, as her head lowered.
"Because...I was finally useful," she replied. "And I'm sorry. I was stressed and scared, when I should've just listened to him..." I noticed a glint in her bright eyes.
"That boy, Natsu," she added. I tensed up at his name.

"What did you do to him?!" I shouted, as I the chains began to rattle with my attempt to break free.
"Calm down- I didn't do anything. He's with all the other Rosafelt children. They're all fine," she said.
"How can I trust you?!" I argued back.
"Because I would never hurt them!" She shouted back. The pain in her voice caused me to fall silent.
"I would never hurt any of them," she repeated, the slight hint of tears in her voice. "Because all they need..." she gritted her teeth, and inhaled.
"All they need is to be a friend to each other!"
I stared into her eyes, and saw the hurt. The suffering.
What has she gone through?

"Natsu," Niska began again. "He was so kind...I'm only apologising. I really am sorry for using my magic on you and brining you here." He got down into her knees and bowed.
The way she's acting...she couldn't possibly have hurt Natsu.
"Natsu showed me. He showed me that there are still people I can trust. So I'm going to get you out and-"
A man suddenly appeared from behind her. I gasped, quick to try and warn her.
He struck her round her head with some sort of weapon, knocking her out cold.

"Useless girl," he hissed.
"What are you doing? She is a Rosafelt child!" I told him. He immediately started laughing, then faced me directly.
"Then how about you, 'Lady Lucy'? Have I gotta obey someone in cuffs?" He snickered.
I glared at him, even though he was technically right. Are the council abandoning their heroic disguise? Or this is all in secret?
"The public will realise your true nature," I said. "You really think they'll trust you after this?"

"As far as the public know, the Rosafelt prodigy Lucy Heartfilia kidnapped five Rosafelt children along with the aid of Natsu Dragneel."
My eyes widened, shocked by the news.
"You cowards!" I shouted. "Soon enough, you'll get what you deserve."
"Oh yeah? And who's gonna do that? You?" He teased, laughing further. "The 'best Rosafelt' my ass. Capturing you was a piece of cake."
"He'll come for me," I said quietly.
"What?" The man asked, as my words were too quiet to hear.
"Natsu will come for me," I said with confidence. "You'll see."

"Yeah, I bet. The name's Ekiro. It's the name that will kill you someday."
"Oh my, I'm shaking with fear."
"Don't give me sass, girl," he ordered, getting closer to the cell's bars. "I'm the prison's lead officer, so we'll be spending a lot of time together."
"Whatever you say, cupcake," I replied, smirking.
"Why you little-"
"Ekiro, that'll be enough."

We both turned our heads, to see the Chairman making his way over to my cell.
"C-Chairman, sir. I apologise," Ekiro began, bowing his head.
"You were only doing your job. Now, off with you. I have to talk with my precious guest."
"Of course, sir," he replied, picking up Niska's unconscious body and quickly hurrying off down the corridor.

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