Chapter 6 - Lucy's Story

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Me and Natsu exchange looks. His eyes are full of worry while mine are still trying to figure out what he means. He says something. I make out Lucy and dead. Wait. "Nasu?" I ask trying to speak his name. He looks over at me. "Me best fwend?" (My best friend?) I ask. He nods. I shoot into his arms. 

"Vo wer dere!" (You were there!) I shout through tears. He hugs me back. I feel him say "I was always there." Tears start coming down his cheeks too. We hug each other tight, and stay like that for a few minutes holding each other while we cry. I don't think I've ever felt so whole since I last saw Natsu. 

Then Natsu falls on me. I feel him laughing. I stare into his fiery eyes. I stare so deep I can see the fading concern, sadness and loneliness. We're in an awkward position. Him on-top of me on a bed...he realizes, then turns red. I laugh. We get up. He grabs a notebook off of his dresser and starts writing in it. 

How did you survive? He asks. I guess I swam away in the nick of time! I write down, now sitting next to him on his bed. I saw you yell my name you know. I add. When? On the other side of the lake.  He changes the subject, embarrassed. What did you do after the car crash? He asks. 

You know, my whole purpose of living was trying to find you again. 

I write. 

One time, I actually saw you. You were playing in your backyard with a dark haired kid and a red head. Back then I remember your hair was black because you didn't like being teased about your naturally pink hair. You dyed it every week even though I told you it was fine. That's why I didn't recognize you at first glance yesterday. Your favorite ball was being tossed around. You know, the one with the flames. Your kitten, Happy, was curled up in a ball on the deck we used to play on. The ball flew up and landed in your face. 

You and the dark haired kid started to fight while the red head got in both of your faces. Then you and him got thrown towards me. I was in the forest staring out on a tree. We were about 15. Then I saw a white-haired girl. She looked really nice. I think you called her Lizzy. 

But then...I saw how much fun you guys had. It looked like you didn't need me around. You were happy, and that's all that counts. You had your first kiss, joined the local karate school, made lots of friends and went off to college.  

You were there?

Yep. For every one of those events!

Natsu suddenly blushes. Well who did I kiss then?

The girl named Lizzy. 


In a grove of cherry blossoms. And you know, I don't even know any math or history, because I was six. You don't learn anything in kindergarten. I taught myself how to read and write by reading the old newspapers. 

I'm sorry. 

It's okay. 

No, I'm REALLY sorry. I must of had a dream life to you.

You did. 

But you are an amazing person. You survived 20 years in wildlife by yourself. 

Yeah. I should be dead by now. Or on my last life. The thing is, I think I'm meant for something. Whenever I'm supposed to die, God never lets me die. 

Oh. Well uh.......

We sat there for hours talking. About how we lived our lives and stuff. By the time we were done, both of our hands hurt. We played truth or dare after that, then I painted Natsu's toenails purple from one of the dares I gave him. It was a fun night. One of the funnest me and Natsu would have. 

Made sense. Considering tomorrow would be a big day.

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