Chapter 22 - The Best Day I've Ever Had

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Lucy POV
Sure Lisanna's death took a lot out of me, but after that...well lets just say I had the best day with Natsu that the universe could possibly give to me. A time where the whole world shrunk around me. And the summer breeze tickled my skin in Lisanna's beautiful white dress.

I must say, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

It began when we were eating breakfast. Everyone was silent, and we were playing with our food. Lisanna had died, and no one was happy about that. The night before Natsu hadn't let go of me. I'm serious, we were like joined twins or something. I brushed my teeth with him, I watched a movie with him, I ate with him. In fact I had to spoon feed him because he refused to eat otherwise.

It was absolutely ridiculous.

Then I slept with him. I know it sounds very wrong, but hey, I couldn't pry him off of. I tried. But sometimes you feel bad for people and you just have to let them do something. So I ended up letting him. And we woke up together in a tangled mess for the THIRD TIME IN ONE WEEK.

But it was actually kind of nice. I mean, who wouldn't want warm, muscular arms wrapping around you in the middle of the night. Did I really just say that? This morning we woke up in the WEIRDEST position. I'm not going to explain because I think you might have an idea. 

After breakfast, people started socializing. By 11 they were playing video games and drawing with each other. And I sat alone. I received a call from a job that I had applied for. They wanted me. I had to leave tomorrow afternoon to go teach for a year in Kansas, a state in the U.S. a long ways away from Fiore. I was going to miss being with my friends, but afterword I would come home with 5 million jewel. So yeah, I was going.

I went into my room to start packing because we were now at Natsu's house. Erza lent me a few skirts and Juvia gave me a homemade raincoat and umbrella. Levy gave me books to read, Jellal gave me blue hair dye, Wendy got me a dog named Plue, Gray got me a stay cool t-shirt, Gajeel got me some metal studs to put in my ears when I get them pierced, and Romeo got me an MP3 player, something that plays music that you've downloaded onto it. So I've got a piece of everyone in there. Lisanna mostly because I'm taking almost all of her things.

I pack most of the things in there, but then someone walks in the room. "I thought you might need this." He says. I turn around, startled. He holds out a scarf. "It was my dad's." He says. I look at the scarf he's never taken off, then I see his bare neck, a sight I've never seen before. I take it. It feels fuzzy. "Thank you Natsu. This means very much to me, and I'll be sure to give it back to you when I get home."

That word seems to echo in his head. Home. Home Home. He grabs my hand, and I place the scarf inside my suitcase. "C'mon I want to take you somewhere." We go to the door, and Natsu says we'll be back around dusk or something. I wonder what he's planning on doing. We walk down the street. "Ya know how Wendy's giving me these special motion-sickness pills?" He asks. "Yeah, what about it?" I ask back. "They're working, so now I can go on rides and in cars and stuff." He continues. 

"Alright the- WOH!" I look beyond the horizon and see a big Ferris wheel and some games. "Wow! This place looks awesome! Wait, but we are NOT going on the Ferris wheel. It brings back to many memories." I say, thinking about the shipwreck. "Don't think about that." Natsu says, as if he's reading my mind. "And of course we're not going on that. It goes up too high." He says nervously. 

"Oh, is the big boy scared of heights?" I taunt. He ignores me by saying "Lets go on that one then." I look at the one he's pointing to. The Love...Ride? "No way dude." I say, even though I REALLY want to go on it with him. "Maybe after the other rides." I say. "Hmm looks like you have to grip onto your partner as you go faster and faster on the ride." I look at him crazily. "YOU'RE ALREADY READING THE DESCRIPTION??!!" I yell. "Yeah." He says. Then pulls me into a cart. You're going to pay for this you idiot.

"You're blushing." He points out. I can't help that my whole face is flushed red. I just turn the other way, and keep myself from hyperventilating. Lucy, calm down, you can do this. I reassure myself. We go up higher into the air, and then the track that the cart is on is attached to the ride's tracks. "10, 9, 8." 

Natsu notices me shaking. "Hey Lucy it's gonna be okay." He puts his arm on my shoulder. "You have me." I smile. "2, 1, GO!" Our seats detach from the cart, and we are launched into the air. "AHHHH!!" We both scream. We have no choice but to hold on to each other. I wrap my arms and legs around him, and he does the same to me. 

The ride ends up lasting fifteen minutes. By the time we're done, I have a very bad hairdo, and I think me and Natsu are both deaf this time. "Soo...what do you want to do now?" I ask, tripping over my own feet. 

We end up doing a lot of rides that day it was really fun. Until Natsu dared me to go on a horror ride that lasted half an hour. I see why they call it horror now. I was drenched in fake blood, horrified by seeing wax people hung, being jump scared at least 30 times and forced into a graveyard where the ground slid out from under me. You even had to sign a contract that the park wasn't responsible for you dying of being scared. 

I came out with dried fake blood on me and my heartbeat going the fastest it has ever gone before. I saw Natsu's face, then pushed him in. He came out the same as I did. "S-s-so-o y-y-yo-o-u r-r-rea-a-ll-y w-e-e-n-t th-r-rou-ug-h-h t-th-ha-a-at-t?" (So you really went through that?) He asks, petrified. "Yep." I say back. i wrap my arm around him. "Lets go get cleaned up." 

After I sneak Natsu into the girls bathroom for 'reasons' and then after we've gotten most of it out of our hair and off our faces and hands, we do a little bit more then head back to Natsu's apartment. On the way there I get an idea. "Hey Natsu, I want to take you somewhere." I walk down the path into the park, and we run across the field. I pass through a few trees while he follows me. Then we come to a clearing with a birdbath under a willow tree. 

"Welcome to my place." I say. By then the fireflies are dancing around creating light for us to see in. I go underneath the tree, and he follows me. I take a deep breath. I haven't been here for a while. Natsu spins me around to face him. "What's this?" He asks. He has my mother's necklace in his hands. It's far to valuable to sell, so I've always kept it here. "That's my mom's necklace." I tell him. 

I feel the soft gold chain go around my neck, and the charm sits there, with a missing piece. Which piece you ask? Well lets just say there's another part of the necklace. Natsu finds it. "Oh, and this must be the match?" He asks. "Yep." I say. "It's for you." He puts in on, and then we put together the little heart pieces. "Friends forever?" 

"Friends forever." He says back. We both smile. 

Then the most unbelievable thing happens. I trip, fall on Natsu, and our mouths slam into each other. I savor the moment. 

Me and Natsu just KISSED.

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