Chapter 10 - Lucy's Is Pink

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Natsu's head lands on my shoulder. He falls asleep immediately. I close the notebook I'm writing in. I stroke his head. Natsu. I take his phone out of his pocket. Hmm. How do you work this? It wants a password. 7770. Easy! It shows a picture of Lisanna and Natsu as the front screen. 

I tap on a square that has a camera on it. I mess with a few settings on the camera. Selfie mode? I tap that, then see the camera turn into a mirror. Cool! If I tap on the camera button, WOW! IT CAPTURED A MEMORY!! This thing is way to cool for me to let go of. The picture is of Natsu drooling on my shoulder and me looking like the the word uh. 

I take a few more photos, then get bored. 

I tap Lisanna on the shoulder, and ask her when we'll be there. About 2 hours, she gestures. I put my notebook on the floor and snuggle up next to Natsu. Hey! Don't get the wrong idea, he's my friend. 

2 hours pass by slowly. I wake up at least once every 30 minutes. Then I wake up to someone shaking me. The whole group is standing outside behind Lisanna who is shaking me. I get up and stretch. We are in-front of what looks like a bar. We walk in, and push past a crowd of drunk people. There lies the giant board of which tattoos you could get. 

Hmm. An archer, star, your name, one of your choice...Natsu shouts something out over the loud music I'm suspecting is playing, and points to one called Fairytail. It looks like a fairy with a tail. Everyone nods. Levy writes down what he is saying. 

Natsu says that we should all get the same tattoo to mark our friendship. And that it should be that one.

Hmm...reminds me of something. I'm taken out of thought when an artist comes out to make me my tattoo. I point to the Fairytail one, and ask for it to be pink and on my hand. My hand burns while the lady named Cana etches the mark into my skin. It especially hurts whenever she adds the color. 

Almost an hour later, everybody is done. We all have the same tattoo except for Jellal who said he wanted to create his own. He's still part of our team though. They have to heal though. Cana said that this place used a special kind of ink that healed your skin in less that a day. 

We all hopped into the car and drove home. Erza took a turn to do so. It was 4:30 am. It came down to only me and her being awake. She pulls over at a gas station, and opens the door then pulls me out. "Era, what're yo doin?" (Erza, what are you doing?) I whisper. Or at least I hope I did.

Erza puts her pointer finger to her lips, signaling to be quiet. We sneak behind the gas station, and she pulls out a ticket. I recognize it. It's a ticket to the Vermilion beach resort. 3 days and 3 nights on a giant cruise ship. That's why my eyes light up when I see it. 

She writes in my notebook.

Don't tell anyone. It's going to be my birthday soon, so I booked this. Keep it a secret, okay?

I nod. I'm full of excitement. WOW! A whole 3 day cruise with my friends! I'm becoming spoiled again. I tell myself. We get back in the car and continue our journey. I can't wait!

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