Chapter 15 - Stay Strong, Lucy.

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I race down the hall with the people left in our group. The water is up to our waists, so it's hard to walk. We get into our room and then the lights flicker. Natsu looks on the bed which is already underwater. He moves his mouth as if saying "Where's the phone?" Then I spot it. It's on the dresser that is a slight bit higher than the bed. I point to the phone, and Erza walks over slowly, then picks it up. Crash! A piece of the ceiling falls along with the light. 

It catches onto the bed and table causing no path back to us. Sparks fly everywhere and the piece has too much energy flowing through it to touch. There's no way back. My hearing comes back for a second. This time for at least five seconds. "Erza!" I yell. "Lu-" She tries to say before my hearing goes out again. I point at the piece, but then Lisanna tells Erza what I was trying to say. 

Her mouth says that there's no way to get out, and you can't touch the piece without being shocked. Erza looks panicked, a expression I've never seen from her before. You could try every way to get out of that situation, you really could, but with the piece in the way, it's impossible. Tears start to come down my cheeks. Everyone knows what this means. I make out what Natsu says. "Erza..I-" Then he stops, checking every possible place. She says that it's not going to work, and that this is the end of her adventure. 

Natsu looks scared. Scared about what's going to happen to Erza. She throws over the phone, and says something like "It's no use." while Lisanna catches it. Natsu yells something. It's hard to leave a friend behind. The water starts flooding in. Erza screams at us to go out. Lisanna and me are crying. Natsu and Gray accept her future. 

They nod. My hearing comes on again as they pull us out. Erza waves happily while crying. "I'm sorry it had to be like this guys. I love you all as much as family. I guess I'm dying on my birthday. But I've got this symbol on my skin and that means I'm one of you guys. Always and forever. One last thing, stay strong, Lucy." She knows I heard her. "You too Erza." I say, and smile back. Then we round the corner. My hearing goes back off. 

The water is up to our shoulders, and we end up almost swimming. Me and Lisanna continue to cry, but we eventually stop, accepting what has happened to Erza. We get up the first set of stairs fine, but the second flight is harder thanks to the clothing that absorbed all of the water. Natsu leads us up higher and higher. 

The ship slants a bit, and I get scared. Natsu grabs my hand, as if he's putting some faith back in me. We go up one more flight of stairs to the first level, then to the very top. He looks up and I know what we're about to do.

Climb the Ferris wheel. 

(Sorry guys, I can't fix the space below...)

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