Chapter 14 - Natsu, We're Going Down

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The wind blowing in my hair, the smile on Lucy's face. It was gone in an instant. 

Erza starts yelling. "Natsu! Get down here! It's an emergency!" But the captain says it for her. "There has been an explosion at the bottom of the ship. I'm afraid we're going under." My heart stops beating. For a moment, my whole world crashes to the ground. My head spins, trying to figure out how to solve this problem. It's either do something or die.

My first thought: The group. They're on the 3rd level. The one on-top from where the explosion happened. Get our friends! I say. I pull Erza and Lucy towards the stairs. Though the mass of kayos. We head all the way downstairs to the 3rd level. The water is up to our ankles. We find the group. Most of them are awake, but some are still asleep. The thing is, the explosion tore right through the  center of the girl's room. Where they were sleeping. 

Lisanna tells us that no one was hurt, but Romeo was seriously injured. His arm is broken, and his left leg had a really bad burn on it. Wendy wraps his arm up in a towel. She does the same with his leg. I put him on my back and carry him. Lisanna tells Lucy through movement. The water starts flooding in faster. It's up to our knees by the time we get up the stairs. "C'mon everyone!" I yell. We get up the stairs. 

We pull through the crowd, and to the rim of the boat. Everybody is scared. I hold Lucy and Lisanna's hand and pull them close. Gray takes a turn carrying Romeo. "I just want to tell you that whatever happens, I love you both as much as my own life. You both need to live no matter what." Lisanna nods and Lucy nods slowly, still figuring out what I said. 

Now we need to go do this and live! I say to myself. "Women and children board now!" I hear someone say. I drag Lisanna and Lucy to a life-boat, and the rest of the group follows me. "Everyone in!" I yell. Wendy, Levy, Romeo and Juvia are the only ones who make it in before it's dropped. "GRAY!" I hear a piercing scream jolt though the air. "It's okay Juvia! I'll find you again!" Yells Gray. "NO! GO BACK! GO BACK!" I hear through Juvia's tears that don't seem to stop. It must be hard for them to leave each other. 

We hurry to other boats, but by the time we actually find one, there's people packed inside. "That was the last one." I hear someone say. And it's dropped into the water. Gajeel dives for it, so does Jellal. "Guys what are you doing?!" I yell. They both safely make it in, and I have a sigh of relief. "Wait." Lisannna says. "I put my phone on the top of a bed downstairs. If we can get it, I might be able to call my brother and ask for help. He has several helicopters that he can send over." She says. At first I'm like are you crazy?! But then I see that it's one of our only options so...

"Lets do it."

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