Chapter 12 - Natsu's Weird Position

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I collapse on my bed when I get home. Me, Lucy, and Lisanna had to take everybody home before we got home. That means it's 7:00 this morning. Lisanna goes to her bed and I go to mine. Lucy sleeps anywhere, I guess. The reason for Lisanna sleeping in a different bed than me is because she believes that only married couples share beds. 

I was like "Whatever" when I heard her say that, but it's not like I care. I try shutting my eyes, but it doesn't work. I've caught up on plenty of sleep in the car, something Lisanna and Lucy haven't done. I stare back at the locket that sits on my nightstand. I get an idea for something I should get Lucy.

Then Lucy walks by the hall. First she stares into Lisanna's room, then into mine. I pretend to be asleep. What she does surprises me. I expect her to walk into Lisanna's room, but I feel pressure on my bed a few moments after I shut my eyes. Lucy? She lays right next to me. Maybe if I open my eyes a tiny bit...I see Lucy turned away from me. I end up closing my eyes only to find that I fall asleep again.

"Natsu...Natsu...NATSU!!" Someone says. "5 more minutes Mom." I reply, then open my eyes groggily. A yellow blob appears, then transforms into Lucy. She's sleeping. Right in front of my face. My arms are around her waist, and hers are around my neck. Our feet are tangled. Wait a minute WHAT? I remove my arms and feet, then gently remove her arms from my neck. 

"What a cute stance." I hear someone say. I look behind me and see the whole group in my bedroom. "Shhh." Jellal says. Erza is straight behind me smiling. Get up Natsu we need to talk to you. My heart starts to pump faster. "About what?" I ask. "My birthday." Erza says. "We're leaving on a cruise today. In 15 minutes." I shoot out of bed and grab my suitcase. "For how long?!" I ask. 

"3 days. Lisanna already packed some of her clothes and things for Lucy." Erza adds. "You better hurry, cause we're leaving in 5 minutes." Lisanna wakes up Lucy, and takes her into her room to change. I throw in the things I need for the trip inside my suitcase in a sloppy pile. Then I pull on a t-shirt and shorts inside my bathroom. I put on my flip flops and pull my suitcase. 

Everybody is outside waiting for me. We pack into 2 cars because Erza brought her car this time. Me, Lisanna, Jellal, Erza, Gajeel, and Juvia ride in one car while Lucy, Wendy, Romeo, Gray and Levy ride in another. Juvia sits in the middle of the backseat going on and on about how Gray is a good kisser. I cringe at every piece of info that comes out of her mouth.

I turn the radio to some loud rock music and everyone silently thanks me. The dock is about a mile away. Oh man. Look at that ship...

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