Chapter 8 - Lucy and Lisanna's Talk

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(Lucy P.O.V)

I chase after Lizzy in her nightgown through the building. "Liazy!" I yell. She finally stops and turns around. I see her lips move. She looks angry, and I wouldn't blame her. I stick out my finger to say one second, then pull out a few napkins and 2 pens from my pocket. I take her hand and lead her to this coffee shop. 

I sit her down, and hand her a pen. I put a napkin on the table and start to write. 

I'm deaf. Natsu saved me from dying by calling the ambulance. That was 2 days ago. I'm homeless, with nowhere to go, so he let me stay there. Nothing has been going on between me and him. Yesterday we even figured out that we were old friends. 

That's stupid. She writes. 

I've known him since we were 7. I don't know who you are. 

That's because my parents died, and I was supposed to be dead. I've known him since birth. We were born just one day apart. You never saw me because you knew him later than I did. 

I do remember him talking about a friend that died earlier on.

That was probably me. Just do me a favor and forgive him. 

Alright then. What's your name again?


Mines Lisanna, but you can call me Lizzy. 

I know.

We get back up and shake hands. Lisanna smiles as if shes saying I hope we can be friends. I smile back saying I hope we can too. 

Natsu and Lisanna talk about how they're both sorry. I feel like the awkward 3rd wheel. Lisanna guides me back to her/my room. She lays out some of her clothes on the bed I suspect she never uses. There's a tight white tank top with a pink see-through shirt, a short white skirt, knee high socks and black flats. After I'm done dressing, Lisanna brushes my hair and straightens it, then puts it into a high ponytail with a ribbon with hearts on it. 

She covers my scars and cuts with some makeup, then puts a white sparkly eye shadow on and I tell her that it's enough. I turn around and look in the mirror. Wow! I look like a whole different person! 

This looks amazing!!

I write down and show it to her. She smiles. 

Your welcome!

We walk into the living room, and Natsu looks stunned. He says something, and Lisanna laughs. He writes: You look awesome! I smile. I've never gotten a compliment before or at least for 20 years. I have an idea writes Lisanna. What is it? Asks Natsu. We should have a night out with my ladies Lucy. You would love them. Of course, that means Natsu would have to stay home. 

I can have my buddies with me! He says. Me and Lisanna laugh. He wears a smile on his face. All of a sudden, my heart starts to beat faster. 

Me and Lisanna go to get our nails done. Mine get painted a light pink, sort of like the color of Natsu's hair. She gets light green with lilies on her pointer finger and pinky. We had fun the whole afternoon. She's my friend now I guess. 

We stop to sit on a bench. Lisanna calls all of her 'ladies' and tells them where we're meeting. The red-head named Erza I recognize from when I saw Natsu playing with her. There's a purplish-blue headed girl named Levy, a purple-headed girl named Juvia, and a girl in college named Wendy. 

When they got to the bench me an Lisanna sat at, our night began... 

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