Chapter 23 - Goodbye

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Narrator POV

Lucy wakes up at 3 in the morning. Her eyes practically shoot open. Her hands lift her covers above her chin. She breathes heavily. Lucy calms down a little, and swings her legs over the bed. She almost steps on Erza, who sleeps on her right side of the bed. The gang was going to stay at Natsu's house for an amount of days. Sort of like a get well together party. She almost steps on Wendy too, who is sleeping in the front of her bed. 

Lucy slowly creaks open the door, and goes to the room right across from hers. She finds Juvia sleeping next to Gray. Then she steps over Jellal thanking to god he's asleep so he doesn't look up her nightgown. She crawls into Natsu's bed, all cold and shaky. She snuggles up next to his chest. He wraps his arm around her. She smiles. Why do I have to go? She asks herself. But then she knows again. She has to pay for her future with the five million jewel. 

"Hey, you okay?" Asks a groggy Nastu. "Yeah." Lucy says. "Natsu, I love you." She says. He smiles. Tears form in her eyes. "I don't want to leave." She turns and hides her face in Natsu. "It's for the best Lucy." He says. She just starts crying harder. 

"You are my sunshine," Natsu begins. 

"My only sunshine." 

"You make me happy,"

"When skies are Gray." They both laugh at the joke. 

"You never know dear," 

"How much I love you." 

"Please don't take my sunshine away." Natsu sings.

Lucy smiles and hugs him tight. 

"I'm still your sunshine," Lucy begins singing. Natsu is surprised at how beautiful her voice is. 

"Your only sunshine."

"i'll always love you,"

"Though I'm away."

"I'm still your sunshine,"

"Just only your's dear."

"I'm coming home someday." She ends the song. 

He hugs her tight. "I love you too."

In the morning they wake up, and discover everyone is out of Natsu's room. Even Juvia and Gray. Then they go into Lucy's room. Everyone is sleeping in a giant dog pile. "I wonder what happened." Says Lucy. "i don't know." Says Natsu. Natsu makes breakfast while Lucy wakes everyone up and shooes them out of her room. 

She gets dressed and eats. It's almost 11. Lucy's cab to the airport appears in-front of the building. Natsu and Erza escort her down. They go out the doors and they go to the cab, and Lucy hops in. Natsu puts her suitcase in the trunk. 

Natsu leans over the cab's door. "I'll see you in a year I guess." 

"Yep." Says Lucy. She pecks him on the cheek. 

"Thank you so much for what you've done. I won't forget it." She says gratefully. 

"Stay strong Lucy." Erza smiles. "We'll see you in a year." She smiles, then shuts the cab door. "Bye!" yells Lucy waving and smiling out the window. "It kind of reminds me of something that happened once." He says to Erza. "Something that happened a long time ago."

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