Chapter 13 - Lucy's Experience SPECIAL DOUBLE CHAPTER

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I look to my side. There's a girl named Levy sitting by me. She has blue hair and she's smaller like Wendy, but my age. She's been pretty nice to me like Erza, Wendy and Lisanna. We've been talking on a piece of paper. She's got a crush on this guy named Gajeel who calls her a shrimp. It's kinda funny. 

We finally stop at the place where we're supposed to stop. We park in a place that is meant for long time periods of being parked. All of us board the ship and the whole time I'm walking with all of the girls while the boys are close to running in-front of us. We find the rooms. She got 2. One for the girls, and one for the boys. I'm kind of sad that I don't get to be with Natsu, but at least I get to be with my new other friends. 

The boys go to their room and we go to ours. They are right next to each other. There's a door in the middle and we asked for the key so the rooms could be connected. Erza opens the door. While she organizes the boy's things, I look around the room. Erza got us grand suites, so it has 2 rooms plus a separate bathroom. 

We entered the living room and kitchen when we came in. There's a couch in the center of the room with a chair to the left of it. The kitchen has a window overlooking the ocean above the stove. I open a door and see 3 beds. Me and Lisanna will probably share one, then Erza and Juvia, and Levy and Wendy. The beds are covered in white fabric. A bathroom is located in the main room. 

We unpack, and by then it's 8 pm. There's a cafeteria on the ship that serves dinner from 7 to 9, and then there's going to be fireworks after that. We walk up the ship and the boys laugh and talk. We all have fun. There's even a Ferris wheel on the very top of the ship with the pool and the tennis court. 

We enter the cafeteria. There's several tables set up inside, and a lot outside. We go for outside. Most of the group decides to stay at the table while Jellal and Erza order for us. I sit in silence. I can't help wondering how lucky I am. I'm fed, hydrated, have a bed to sleep in, good friends, a great best friend, and I'm on the most lovely ship I've ever been on. And you know, I don't care if I'm deaf for the rest of my life or for another day. This is the most beautiful present the universe could give to me. 

The night sky gleaming above me and all the smiles of my friends are enough to cheer me up for a lifetime. Erza returns with some of our food, and Jellal tags behind her with the rest. It's a joyous night. Everybody laughs at what other people say, and I get to talk to a lot of people on my notepad that I've never talked to before. 

The fireworks show up and everyone gazes at them. They're beautiful. The pink combines with yellow and blue, then sparkles all over the sky. I'll never forget this experience. 

When we get back to the rooms I pull on some of Lisanna's satin pajamas, brush my teeth and hop into bed. The lights turn out and Juvia's crying about how she wants Gray and Erza's saying something mean back while Levy and Wendy talk about their little secrets together. Lisanna is silent next to me scrolling through the trapped memories on her phone. I see one of her and Natsu at the beach. Natsu looks like he's having the most fun he's ever had. 

"Thank you Lisanna." I say inside my head. "For taking care of Natsu while I wasn't there." She goes through several memories. One of a blue cat. A blue cat? Oh yeah! Happy. He looked old. There were plenty of memories of him sleeping, and Lisanna and Natsu petting him. But the one that pained me the most was a memory of a grave that said R.I.P. Happy the cat. Natsu sat there looking at it with tears in his eyes. 

Happy was a piece of Natsu's heart, and it just shattered away. It reminds me of how he looked when I 'died'. 

I close my eyes, and soon after hear the door to the boy's room unlock. A gust of cold air burst in. I open my eyes. I read someones mouth. Cold and Air conditioning are what I make out. The thermostat may not work in there. So they come in here. All of them. After Erza finally okay's it of course. They spread out over beds. To me, it's kind of embarrassing. I'm wearing a satin nightgown with nothing underneath but my underwear. 

Jellal and Gray go to Juvia and Erza's bed. Gajeel and Romeo go to Levy and Wendy's bed. Then finally, Natsu goes to Lisanna and my bed. He gets in the middle of us, gaining warmth. He kisses Lisanna on the cheek, then leans over and kisses me on the forehead. I smile and blush a little. He wraps both of his arms around us, pulling us closer. I think I laugh and so does Lisanna. Natsu's just smirking. 

I think he says goodnight and dozes off. Lisanna closes her eyes. I look over at everybody else. Each guy has a smile on their face while all the girls but Juvia are tolerating. Juvia and Gray are probably doing an all out make-out session. I feel sorry for Erza and Jellal. Levy and Wendy are okay. Red as tomatoes, but okay. I lay in the moonlight thinking about things. I love my life, and nothing could make it worse. Nothing. 

The next morning comes early. Me and Natsu wake up in a awkward position again, then we throw on our swimsuits under our clothes and go to the top deck. That would be the last time I left the room. We all played tennis for a while, then swam. We splashed each other lots of times and had a ton of fun. By mid-afternoon, everyone except me, Erza and Natsu left for a nap. Our hair was damp, and I was wearing a white dress with bits of blue and green near the neckline. 

I thought it was beautiful. We walk up to the front of the ship and go to the very point of it. Natsu grabs me and hands Erza his phone. His lips move, telling Erza something. He lifts me up onto the front place, and it looks like the scene from the movie Titanic. 

I bet nobody can hear that much since it's so windy. For a split second I hear it. The wind gusting, the seagulls cawing, and his voice. Natsu's voice. It was perfect. For that one moment. 

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