Chapter 11 - The Vermilion Cruise Ship

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The Vermilion Cruise ship is something that everyone talks about. Whether it's about the comfortable seating or the great view, it always gets a five star rating.

Of course, the tickets are a lot of money, even more if your going with a bunch of people. Erza spent her lifetime savings on a 3 day trip there and back. It was about 4,000,000 jewels to go with all of her friends, but it was worth her. 

If she only she would've known and would never have gotten a ticket for the ships last sail. Like the Titanic, the Vermilion had less lifeboats than their whole population of people going on the ship. Actually, less than the amount of children on the boat. 

They were over confident. The ship would never sink thanks to it's great structure, and they were right. It would never have sank if a certain group of people hadn't went on it. The Thunder Legion. They were the most well known group of terrorists in Fiore. The group consisted of 4 people. Laxus, their leader, Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow. And they were willing to take their own lives for what they believed in.

The 2nd day when the ship would turn around and back to shore is the day when the terrorist group would sneak down to the bottom floor, and explode a hole in the wall of the boat at exactly 8:30 pm. The boat would sink on Erza's birthday whether she liked it or not. 

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