Chapter 7 - Natsu's Fiance

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Our morning began like any morning of a sleepover. I drew a big mustache, beard, and uni brow on Lucy's face then she got mad at me. I wrote a note saying it was for painting my toenails purple. Then in the middle of the night I put her hand in warm water, but she didn't wet herself ...and I was looking forward to seeing how embarrassed she would be. Just like old times.

We were sitting on my patio enjoying bagels when the doorbell rang. No one ever rang my doorbell except for 2 people. The pizza icecub-  guy Gray and my fiance Lisanna. I didn't order pizza, and Liz was coming back in 2 days. It must be Lucy's meds or something. When I opened the door, Lisanna was standing there and she looked like a train wreck. I swear, I jumped when I saw her. 

Question after question piled up in my head. Is she going to get the wrong idea when she sees Lucy? Why does Lisanna look like that? Why did she come back so early? Would Lucy react in any way?AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

"Hey Liz." I say. "Hey Natsu." She says. She looks like shes on her last nerve. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Does it look like everything's okay? And for gods sake, will you let me in?" She asks harshly. "Oh yeah, sure." I say nervously. She pushes past me and into the kitchen. "I drove all the way to the Crimson airport (An airport a day away). The flight to Chicago was closed. I tried my best to get them to reconsider, So I drove all the way back here and called Mirajane. She was really disappointed because she needed those fabrics and- Natsu, who's this?" She asks after blabbing on and on about her trip.

Her head is turned to the left. I slowly turn mine. Lucy is there, dressed in one of Lisanna's nightgowns with a confused expression on her face. "Lisanna, don't get the wrong idea. This is Lucy she's-" "Natsu, I was gone for 48 hours." She says. "But-" I try to continue. "3 words. WE ARE THROUGH!!" She spat them in my face and then pulls her luggage out of my apartment, and slams the door with her foot. Hard. 

"Just great." I say. I sit in a chair with my hands cupping my face. Lucy comes over to me and writes something on a napkin. I don't look up to see what it is. Then I hear the door shut. I'm to lazy to get up so I let Lucy do whatever she is going to do. After a while, I look up to she what she could have possibly wrote. 

I'm going to make you and the girl get back together again. Might be gone for a few hours. -Lucy. P.s: Is that Lizzy? Please tell me she is not the only girl you've ever loved. I laugh at the last sentence, but only a little considering what just happened. There goes Lucy, the little peacemaker.  

Then I realize: she still in her pajamas?

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