Chapter 17 - We Are Fairytail!!

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(Author's P.O.V.)

Natsu is mad. No, that's not the word, raged because of his friends' sudden deaths. He's not going to give up that easy now. The sun starts to set. The blue turns into a mix of warm colors, completely the opposite of anyone's moods.

They continue to climb the wheel, not stopping until they reach their goal. When they finally get there, Lisanna's phone rings. "Hello?" She says in a shaky voice into the phone while sitting down in the seat. "Hey Liz." Her brother Elfman responds. "I'm coming to get you, and I'm hurrying as fast as I can. I promise you'll come home safe." He says, reassuring Lisanna. "Ok." She says back. They end the call, and Natsu reaches across Lucy, gripping Lisanna's hand.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." He says, then looks Lucy in the eyes. "I know it will."

Lisanna, who's noticed Natsu and Lucy, puts Natsu's hand on Lucy's instead of hers. Natsu looks strangely at her, and she just smiles that smile of her's, covering up what emotions she's feeling right then. The thing is, nobody has noticed how Natsu looks at Lucy. When he looks at her, he fills with hope and happiness again. He's never looked at Lisanna that way before. So every time he looks at Lucy, the fullness in her heart empties.

Because Lisanna has realized she's not meant for Natsu. Lucy is. Why else would he meet Lucy the month before their wedding after not seeing her for 20 years? Or why Natsu had a locket with their pictures inside. Lisanna felt like the third wheel, spinning far away from everyone else.

You might say it's sad, but the one wish Lisanna has as of then, is to get Lucy and Natsu out alive. All of her friends knew this too, that's why Gray sacrificed his life for Natsu, and why Erza got the phone even though she knew the piece was over-head. The one reason for staying alive to her, was so that she could save them when she had the chance.

Then the unexpected happened. The wheel started to turn and turn, downwards, towards the water. Lisanna, Natsu and Lucy fell from the wheel, into the sea. They went down under the water. Natsu grabbed Lucy's dress, and jerked her upwards. Then he went down again. A couple minutes went by, and Lucy was treading water. She was one amongst the millions of people that were in the water.

"Nasu!" She yelled. "Nasu!" She caught onto a piece of wood and held onto it for a long time. Lucy didn't know if she was crying or not. Maybe there weren't any tears left. All she wanted was to sit in her little spot in the forest, and sing to the birds while going through all of her treasures that she held close to her.

"I wish. I wish." Lucy tried to say. She closed her eyes tight. "Lucy!" She heard. It was just one in a million voices, but she heard his. Through her ears that didn't work, and the muffled screams of children, she heard the voice. Natsu's voice. "Lucy! Remember, we are Fairytail!!" He screamed, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he charged towards her with Lisanna in his arms.

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