Chapter 9 - Natsu's Idea

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The guys come over. Gray brings beer and Terminator 3 (An action movie. 3rd in series. In my opinion, it's kinda weird). He comes with Jellal, Gajeel  and my younger pal named Romeo. It's 8 when we start watching the movie. I wonder what the girls are doing right now. We all drink several beers, except for Romeo who says he doesn't drink, and go through 4 packs. 

I start to feel all woozy. "Hey Jellal, who do you have a crush on?" I say. "Oh, you know that hot Erza lady that I've loved from childhood? Yeah it's her." He says without hesitation. We all laugh. "I like the one who looks like a shrimp." Gajeel says.  It's unlike him to just blurt out personal stuff. "What do you think of Lucy?" Romeo asks me, eager to know the answer. 

"Oh well I-" I get interrupted by the door opening. We're home!! Lisanna yells. It's 10. I see her whole gang of ladies behind her. She looks down and sees all of us but Romeo looking woozy. At that reaction, Romeo says "I think they had a little too much beer." 

"Oh, well, I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to come get tattoos with us." Everybody looks at me. "Sure. Let's go to MARS and eat HERSHEY BARS!!" I say. I'm a little confused. Everyone gets up and follows the girls into the car. My vision gets blurry. I might of had 2 more beers than the other guys. I stumble while trying to walk, but Lucy helps me. "The nearest place is about 4 hours from here. They're open all night."

"Lushee your really pretty." I say. She doesn't seem to understand what I say. "Can you hear me?" I ask. She just smiles.  We get into the car, and smash 2 people in the front, 7 people in the back, and 2 people are in the small very back. 


Liz                           Wen/Rom




"Hey Icey, will you please be quieter!" I yell to Gray who is making out with Juvia in the very back of the car. I don't feel very good. "Shut up flame brain!" He yells back. Lucy stares out the window. The cars go by one by one. Traffic lights go by. Lucy gives me some medicine to help me get back to Natsu, not drunk Natsu and Lucy gives me some non-nausea pills. They actually work. 

By the time 2 hours have passed, Levy's in Gajeel's arms, Erza is sleeping on Jellal's shoulder, I'm pretty sure Gray and Juvia are conked out next to each other, Romeo and Wendy are asleep facing each other and Lucy is still up along with me and Lisanna. Lisanna wears earbuds with heavy metal blasting through them, and I sit there in silence. 

I look over at what Lucy is doing. She is writing something down. It looks like it's it paragraphs. I read some of what she's writing.

All of the friends went to go get something to celebrate their friendship. So Mary got a sharpie marker and made a special mark on each friends neck. Except for Ashley, who wanted red sharpie on her ankle. It was hard for Dixie as well. She kept washing her mark off over the week, and by the time the week was over, she had overlapped it at least 20 times.

So they went to the tattoo parlor and got permanent marks. Now they were friends forever. The 11 of them. No matter how old they got, they would be friends alwa...

Hmm. I wonder if she likes writing. And that doesn't seem like a bad idea, all getting the same mark so we could be friends forever. We should do that. After a while, the sleepiness finally kicks in, and I fall asleep on Lucy's shoulder. 

She's so warm...

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