Chapter 16 - Natsu's Mistake

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We all start to climb the Ferris wheel. I'm in-front, making sure everybody's okay by looking back every few seconds. Lucy looks like she's about to faint, considering the tragic trauma that has happened to us over the past 30 minutes. I feel extra sorry for her because she can't hear anything too. 

Gray is just going with the flow. Inside, I know he's scared, and he's trying extra hard to not show it. Then there's Lisanna. Her nerves are acting up and she's shaking so bad it's not even funny. She's petrified, and looks like she needs a hug. For our honeymoon we are definitely not going on a cruise, that is, if we make it out alive. 

But I try to think past that and think about whats going to happen if we do make it.  Me and Lisanna will be a big happy family. Gray and the others will help have Erza's funeral if we find them, and...Lucy. I love Lucy and Lisanna, it's just Lucy. I think I love Lucy a little more than Lisanna even though it pains me to think. 

But, I'll suck it up. I'll buy Lucy an apartment, then get her a job. Everything will work out perfectly, I tell myself. heart won't. I'm interrupted by the ship slanting even more, turning the diagonal bars of the Ferris wheel into ladders. "Hold on!" I yell. And am returned by the looks of hands gripping onto metal.

We stop, and the ship is almost turned completely sideways. Lisanna already called her brother and he said he would be there in at least 30 minutes. From the looks of this, we should be sinking in less than 20 minutes. 

Just then, my hand slides, and someone catches me. It's the guy that I've been fighting with since I was seven. It's none other than Gray Fullbuster. I look down to the watery depths of death below me. It doesn't look too appealing. It happens so fast. He slips as well because of the sweaty bars. Then both his hands are free of the bar. And he jerks me up, propelling his body into the dark future below. "GRAY!" I shout. Not even realizing what just happened. He falls down, and as if it's nothing, he says "Bye flamebrain."

I automatically think back to the time where he first gave me that nickname. It was when I told him my order of pizza for the first time. "I want ghost peppers, Tabasco sauce, and pepper jack cheese on my pizza." I said. "Have you ever heard of the words please and thank you flamebrain?" He asked. "Don't call me that!" I shot back.

Now, watching him fall to his death, made a spark light inside of me. This wasn't like any other normal spark, this was anger. I hear Lucy shriek behind me, and Lisanna covers her mouth, breathing heavily. "We are going to make it out of this whether the universe likes it or not." I spat out. "FOR ERZA AND GRAY!!" And as if on cue, 

Gray smiles. 

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