- prologue

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I'm just an alone girl who's in love with her brothers best friend. There's nothing more to it. The wrong time but right place.

He would never like a girl like me. I don't have a job, I don't earn money. I didn't have a good school life, therefore not many friends. I still live with my parents, and so does he.

However, he's got a job, he earns tons of money. He had a good school life, therefore - friends. He's perfect in ever way. He's funny, clever, talented, caring. He's just amazing.

I need to get him out of my head. I need to stop this. Stop thinking about the scenarios that will never happen. Stop thinking that he'll love me one day. Stop thinking that when he's talking to me, he's flirting with me - when in reality, he's really not. I need to stop thinking about him. It's for my own good.

My brother cannot know about my feelings. He'd kill me. His sister in love with his best friend cannot ever happen. It would be weird for him, I don't want him to distance himself from the boy he grew up with because of me.

I'll just have to bundle up all my feelings up inside and put on a smile, and act like nothing is wrong. Just like I do everyday, for him. Both of them.

Until one faithful night in summer. It all changed, forever.
It was secret love.

secret love » chris dixonWhere stories live. Discover now