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I don't know if I love him. Love is a strong word. Love isn't just I'm going to do this for you and you're going to do this for me, it's I want to do this for you because I want to do this for you. I just don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment yet.

I push that thought away and remember that the girls are making an appearance in my house once again. We're all just going to have a chilled day and maybe go out to get some food.

The doorbell went and I raced downstairs to get to the door before anyone else did. I grabbed the keys and opened the door to see Chris?

"Hi." He greeted me. "Hi." And I gave him a soft smile.

"Is Jack in?" He asks. "Yeah, but he doesn't want to see anyone..." I explain. "That's why I'm here."

We both stop talking and stare at each other with love in our eyes. "You don't know how much I want to kiss you right now..." I admit. "Then why don't you?" He chuckles.

I pull him into me and press our lips together. They were soft against my own which was bliss.

"Maya, who're you talking to on the doorstep?" My mum shouts from the kitchen.

We pull away instantly. "No one, it's just Chris!" I yell back. "Oh, so I'm just a no one?" He smirks and I bite my bottom lip as he walks through the door up outside Jack's door where he attempts to knock.

I watch him from downstairs as Jack cries, "go away Maya!" Chris knocks again. "It's Chris." He states and Jack finally opens his door and they elope in a manly hug.

I don't know why we didn't get Chris round here sooner to speak to Jack. Then I realised that he's been too involved in me to even think about Jack... If it wasn't for me, he would've been straight down here. I'm taking away my brothers happiness...


As of right now, Fia, Ana, Sammy, Chloe and Maddie are round and we're about to head out for lunch.

We all pop our shoes on and head out the door down the cracked pavements of the Jersey streets.

As we did so, my best friends kept asking me continuous questions about my date with Chris. "It was amazing..." I blush. "Maya's in love!" They all squeal in awe.

Once we get into town we decide to head into Greggs. I usually get a chicken bake, they are delicious. I walk up to the till and ask for one. The woman behind the counter very nicely grabbed a hot one and placed it in a white paper bag for me to take away. I pay, thank her and stand outside to wait for the others.

Hungry, I took my pastry out of the packet. The creaminess exploding inside my mouth as I took a bite. You can't beat greggs, you just can't.

When the girls walked out with their food we just looked around a couple of shops, fortunately not buying anything.

I had such great laughs with these girls. I know they'll always be here for me and I know they'll always have my back. I'm forever great full to have them in my life.

As I tossed my paper bag in the bin, I looked up and saw a familiar face with a not so familiar figure next to her. It was Lauren and her new boyfriend.

Immediately, I stormed over there and stood in front of them with my arms crossed. "Maya! It's been so long!" Lauren screeched.

"I know your nasty little games, honey." I spat at her. "Excuse me?" She takes a step back. "Don't try and act all innocent in front of your new boyfriend," I eye the new one up and down and I see a lanky, skinny man with tattoos and piercings. "You could do so much better than this, Lauren..." I whisper but loud enough so she could hear me. "Don't talk about him like that! Your brother was a waste of space, he never loved me. He never-" I cut her off with my fist hitting he hard in the jaw.

She went silent as I breathed heavily in disbelief of what I had just done. I have never wished bad things to come apon anyone. But this got to me, she deserved this. My brother is not a waste of space, he loved her like there was no tomorrow.

I looked at my fist when I got interrupted by Lauren's hand slapping me painfully across the face.

At this point my friends and the lanky guy were attempting to tear Lauren and I apart. I had pulled her hair and given her a bleeding nose. Like wise, she gave me a bleeding lip, bleeding nose and a few bruises. She was a violent bitch.

"Maya! Stop!" Ana screamed. It caught both of us by surprise and we stopped attacking one and other.

I gave her the nastiest look as I walked away from her presence. Leaving her with anger plastered across her face.

"Maya, what the hell?" Sammy said, almost speechless. "She was Jack's girlfriend, long story." I sniffed. "Please just take me back to the bridge." I demand.

I didn't want to be around anyone except Chris. He'll care for me and make me happy and help me forget about all this. I message him and ask him to meet me at the treehouse.

Once I get there I apologise to my friends for giving them such a rubbish day out and they all go their separate ways. I wish they didn't have to see that.

I walk into the woods and climb up the tree house to then slump down on the sofa.

maya: hurry up, please.

I send to Chris as I heard a trap door open and close to reveal who iv been waiting for.

He stoop there with a look of shock painted on his face.

maya: he cares.
Sent - fri. 12:57

secret love » chris dixonWhere stories live. Discover now