- two

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It's the evening of June 10th. My brothers best friends birthday.

"wear something that describes you." Ana says.

"So this," I pull out a top saying 'bitch' with Japanese writing underneath. "That's true, but-" ,"yes. I'm wearing this." I state. The others laugh as Ana just stands there looking lost for words. "It definitely puts you out there, i like it." Sam speaks up.

I'v matched the top with black ripped jeans and black Nikes. "Now, all I need to do is my hair and makeup." I sigh. Not having the effort to go through all this just for a couple of hours.

"Beautiful!" Fia exclaimed as I finished doing my makeup. The others agreed but i didn't see it.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself in disgust. I was short, chubby, not pretty, i had tubby ankles, I wasn't like other girls. That is part of the reason i didn't have a good school life. I got bullied for not being as slim as everyone else. I had fat thighs, fat face, fat arms. I was never tall and had skinny legs like
professional, international dancers. Iv slimmed down a lot now because that was all 'puppy fat'. The other part is a side that no one wants to know.

"Thank you." I give a sympathetic smile to her. It really does make an impact on my thoughts when my friends say I'm beautiful, I appreciate it more than they'll ever know.

I picked up my phone and checked the time. It read 19:50. I slipped my shoes and shuffled the girls out the front door saying goodbye and went to my brothers room. "Suppose we should get going now." I said, leaning on the door frame. He swung round on his chair, slipped his shoes on and we left, saying goodbye to mum and dad on the way out and that we don't know what time we'll be home. I'm 19, Jack is 21 and Chris is 20 today.  We're old enough to look after ourselves now.

Soon enough we found ourselves at Chris' front door. Surprisingly, there wasn't loads of drunk people standing outside throwing up, it was still quite early but we'll see if that does happen soon. I doubt it will, Chris is the most sensible person I know, he wouldn't have millions of people over.

I spoke too soon. As soon as some randomer opened the door, there were way more people than I expected to be here. It is his 20th after all.

I followed Jack to get a drink. I pored the liquid into a red cup and took a sip. The liquor burnt as it went down my throat. I do drink, I do enjoy alcohol, it makes me forget everything when Iv drunk a bit too much. Even though it means I could do something stupid, you only live once...

"I'm going to go and find Chris..." I nodded and Jack wondered off into the crowd of people.

maya: currently standing alone, next to the drinks because jack has gone off and left me to find chris.. I'm just standing here looking like a complete loner. Looks like I'll be getting wasted by myself tonight...
I sent to mine and the girls' group chat.

"I didn't think you would come." I looked up from my phone and saw Chris standing in front of me. Hell, he looked hella' hot wearing a white button up shirt with black jeans and his hair jelled up like it usually is.

"Well, I did think about not coming but then I thought, oh well it's only about 2 hours of my life ill never get back..." I made a dead serious face, again not looking at him in the eyes - but made sure that he knew I was joking.

"Only 2 hours?" He smirked. "We'll see." I was about to walk off when he grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Come on, share a drink with the birthday boy?"

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