- six

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Putting my grey zip up jacket on, I'm getting ready to go and watch Jack and Chris. We're driving up to where their games are usually played at night.

Jack and I jump in the back of the car and mum sat in the front along with dad driving.

Once we get there Jack is greeted by Chris and them and his dad head off wherever they need to go to begin the game.

The rest of us - meaning; my mum, Chris' mum, dad, kelly and me go to sit on the benches so my dad could film the game for Chris' Sunday league videos.  

"I really don't want to be here right now." Kelly moans as she sits down. Kelly and I don't really talk. I know that sounds funny because our brothers are best friends but we never really clicked like they did, but she's a friend for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. I laugh at her comment and we continue chatting until kick off.

The bright lights lit up the 'thrills, spills, and more frequently mole hills' as Chris would say if they were playing at the fortress. The boys from each team came running onto the pitch and stand in their desired positions. I see Jack's face of concentration as he waited for the whistle to be blown for the game to start. Then I see Chris' face. He had the look of confidence in his eyes and you could tell he was going to try his hardest to win this game. I believed in them both that they could, but the team against them seemed way more competitive...

Kelly and I sat there shivering because it's not the warmest in the evenings here in Jersey.

Finally, the whistle blew and off they went. They ran backwards and forth down the pitch trying to get the ball to score goals. My brothers team weren't doing very well, they had missed about half of the goals but they were good at teamwork and communication. You could tell these boys were in it for the fun of it, not to win - but it would be nice if they did.

However, their opponents weren't in it for the beautiful game, they had lack of teamwork and communication. Just in it to show off in front of everyone and show how much better they were compared to everyone else, higher than Sunday league standard... I'm my opinion that's stupid really, you're no better than anyone else here. If anything, Chris could do it too.

Just as I was in deep thought, I heard loud shouting as the ball was being dribbled past everyone and shot right into the goal by the 'tough guy' - who looked very much like the leader, on the other team.

I searched around the pitch for Jack and Chris and the look of disappointment in their eyes was upsetting. As I was eyeing Chris I noticed him look at me back. I quickly look down and start fiddling with my fingers. What if he saw me?

It's now the second half of the game and the boys are loosing by 1. The looks on everyones faces as they were determined to win. They have time and they have plenty of chances.

My brother and Chris working as a team completely and passing the ball up towards the goal. Everyone on the benches slightly stood up from their seats from excitement. Then suddenly Jack booted it right in the bottom corner. We all cheered and clapped as it was now 1 all. They still had a chance.

With now only 5 minutes left I doubt anyone would score. I was now just slouching on my chair with my hands in my pockets not really interested anymore. I was just watching as the ball was being passed around lazily, and agonisingly slowly I was almost asleep.

Until Chris comes in with a slide tackle out of no where and then passes the ball to another teammate. He runs up the pitch to get closer to the goal and gets passed the ball back. He takes no time and crosses the ball into the top right corner. The keeper falling to the ground in attempt to save it. Just after this the whistle was blown for full time.

Immediately, everyone on his team runs and congratulated him on scorning the winning goal.

Kelly and I stood and cheered while our parents did the same.

As we got down from the benches Kelly and I ran up and hugged our siblings. "You did it!" I squealed as I looked at Jack. "It wasn't me, it was him." And he gestured to Chris.

"Gg." I say bluntly and put my hand out for Chris to shake. He takes it but pulls me in for a hug instead. His tight grip wrapped around my waist as he picks me up and spins me around in the air. I squeak and cling on tight to him. Once he put me down I felt slightly dizzy.

As I was walking back to Jack I almost tripped over my own foot because I was so queazy. I grabbed onto Chris' arm for balance and he gave me an adorable smile, quietly laughing at the fact that I almost fell over.

maya: good game chris, good game...
Sent - tue. 20:57

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