- eight

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"So, this is us now." I whisper, looking up at him in the eyes. Chris nods and smiles. "This is us." He says while pulling the hood of his black rascal jacket over his head as it started to rain. I give him a quick peck on the lips before turning around to go home. Suddenly I was pulled back into Chris' arms.

"Meet me here again tomorrow at-." I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips. "You have my number." I said and walk back home with the goofiest smile on my face.

As I head up to my room I notice that Jack's bedroom door is still closed. My note hasn't been slid back through the door with his reply on it. "Jack? Are you okay?" I knock. I hear little sniffs and a then a note slides under the door. It read;
she told me she's seeing someone else, she's been cheating on me this whole time. I just want to be left alone.

How could she do that? That's so low. She even broke up with him over text, that's even lower. I guess it just goes to show that you never know what people are like behind closed doors, everyone has dirty secrets...

I then walk back to my room and think about today's events. Chris and I, I never thought this would happen, ever. It shouldn't happen and Jack can not ever know about us. Our first kiss... It was so meaningful and sweet. Like we've wanted each other for a long time but we've been afraid to admit it. People say everything you need to know is in that first kiss.

Whilst smiling to myself, my phone rings and I whip it out of my pocket to see the caller id as Chris. Answer it putting my mobile up to my ear.

"Hi." I whisper. "Hello..." He replies. "Why're we whispering?"

"Because Jack can probably hear me." I say, almost inaudible. "But he doesn't know you're talking to me?" He whispered. "I know but anyway..." I say trying to get away from this. "Why did you call?" I add.

"Meet me at the bridge tomorrow at 6 in the evening. Iv got something to show you." He announces. "So it's like a date?" I giggle. "If you want..." I could feel him blushing. "Okay, Chris." I agree and we talk for hours more.

secret love » chris dixonWhere stories live. Discover now