- nine

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Slipping on my denim jacket and grabbing my phone I tell my parents I'm going out. "When will you be back?" My dad asks just as I'm about to open the door. "In about 2 hours or more, i don't know... I'll text you!" I shout walking out the door.

Jack is still locked in his room, moping around, crying. If I ever see that bitch, I'm going to flip.

I shake that thought off and continue my journey to the bridge. As I got half way there it started tipping it down with rain. I realise I had no hood or anything to protect my hair so it's now socking wet, along with all my makeup dribbling down my face. I tried to clean myself up but I think there were still faded black patches under my eyes.

Once I get there I see a figure with a black hoodie over his head. As I got closer he turned to me and laughed as I looked a right state. I pouted and he opened his arms for a hug. I excepted his invitation and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"You still look beautiful..." He whispers into my hair. I pull away and look at him. He blushes and puts his hands to his face. "Thank you." I whisper back.

Suddenly, a huge rumble came from the sky. I gasped and Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me under some shelter. I then found myself wrapped in Chris' hoodie with him like a burrito. His arms were tightly around my waist and I was snuggled into the soft fabric. After the storm passed, Chris snuggled into me more and rested his head on my own while I fiddled with his fingers. "This is nice." I admit and felt him nod. "It is." He kissed my head and pulled me from out under the shelter where the sun and blue sky's were revealed to me.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked, grabbing into his hand as we walked across the grass. "It's a surprise." He says mysteriously. "You're going to love it though... Hopefully."

After a couple of minutes walking we reached our destination. Which was a large cluster of trees...

I knotted my eyebrows together as he followed the path through. I didn't dare go in there, though.

Then I noticed a blonde cutie stick his head out of a window. "Come on up!" He shouted. I giggled and made my way through the bushes and battled my way through the stinging nettles as I reached a tree house. It had little ledges on the trunk as the stairs and a secret door to get in. It was amazing. It had a wooden balcony going round and the main house in the middle of it all.

Chris helped me climb up and once I got up there the house had fairy lights handing from wall to wall, a little table in the middle with 2 chairs, candles, roses, anything you can imagine.

why would someone do this all just for me? What did I do to deserve all this? It was perfect.

"Do you like it?" He asked, sounding unsure. "I love it, it's amazing." I reply, still astonished at what he had done.

"You did all this?" I add as I sit down at my desired chair. "Yeah, I'm quite proud of myself to be honest." He laughs. "I never knew you were quite the romantic, Dixon..." I smirk.

He gets up again and grabs the food from the microwave and gives me mine and its spaghetti bolognas and same for him. There was only a mini fridge, a counter and a microwave as there wasn't much space. Half of it was taken up by a sofa and a tv.

"Did you make this?" I ask, halfway through my meal. He nodded, "secret recipe." And winks.

After finishing our food we decided to get a blanket and sit outside to watch the sunset. Chris grabbed a tartan blanket from a box next to the sofa and we made our way down from the treehouse and onto the damp grass next to the river.

He placed the blanket down and we both laid down looking up at the pink sky.

"Where did you find that place?" I ask as we lay in comfortable silence. "I found it when I was little, Kelly and I were out doing something in the woods and then we took a wrong turn but it maybe it wasn't so wrong." He spoke his words fluently, like that treehouse really meant something to him. "You're the first girl I've brought here, I want this place to be where we meet from now on." He announces while sitting up and turning to look at me.

I take in his words and realise I'm the lucky one. I'm the one who's been shown the treehouse, I'm the one who's on a date with Chris Dixon, the guy with over 1 million subscribers on YouTube, it's just all so surreal. So many girls would die to be in my place right now, but he chose me.

"Okay." I whisper as I sit up too, our faces now inches apart from each other.

I watch Chris' eyes as they travel from my own, down to my lips and back up to my eyes again. He took hold of my chin and tilted it towards his face and then leaned in and closed the gap between us.

And just like that his lips were on mine. Moving with a hint of passion and desperation. Ever since I kissed him for the first time I've been dying to taste his lips again. And here I was, pulling at his hair to get him as close to me as possible.

He pulled away and look a breath while a little smile plants across his face. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head and says, "I knew I couldn't be the only one to feel it." I blush and look down as I knew exactly what he was talking about. I notice my legs are now wrapped around his waist while he's holding mine. "Come on, let's go back." He gets up and takes my hand before grabbing the blanket.

"No, I should probably go now. My parents will be wondering where I am." I sigh. "Thank you for a great night, Chris."

"It's okay, I hope we can do it again sometime?" He questions. "Of course we can." I giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek before turning around and walking off. 

"Aye, come back and give me a proper goodbye kiss." He says casually. "What if I don't?" I turn around. "No second date." He states. "That's pretty harsh," but with that I walk back to give him a proper goodbye kiss.

Everything is so natural with us, like we've been together for years, when in reality we've only been seeing each other for 2 days.

maya: I'm falling for him... Hard.
Sent - thu. 20:30

secret love » chris dixonWhere stories live. Discover now