I. You're Vexing

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It must've been unheard of to have someone in the Resistance to have a strong temper—it wasn't like you destroyed the place when things didn't go your way—but you were pretty verbal, and when it came to war and being on the battlefield, it was as if the enemy saw the devil in you as they cowered in fear.

It was, without a doubt, a fact that you were one of the Resistance's best soldiers to date. Though, you weren't Force Sensitive nor were you a 'helluva pilot', you were exactly what the Resistance needed when it needed a role model.

Your presence was intimidating, you held your ground awfully well, and your integrity was high. It was no wonder the general decided to recruit a person like you.

"Unleash the hound," Poe joked as you stood in one of the carriers filled with other Resistance soldiers, your eyes rolling as a small chuckle left your lips. "And by hound, I mean-"

"I know, I know," you spoke into the com. "You're very funny Poe, but need I remind you who had to save your ass from a pair of Jawas..." Arching an eyebrow, you checked your blasters one last time before looking over at Finn who was the slightest of jittery—this was his first assigned mission and you knew for a fact he was anticipating the action, reuniting with his ex-allies—well, now adversaries.

"Okay, you promised to keep that between us, not to tell the whole Resistance," Poe mumbled, narrowing his eyes as he flew ahead, leading his squadron. "But now that Jess knows about this, I'm pretty sure she won't let this down—"

"You bet I won't!" Jessika exclaimed, a laugh following after, causing you to snicker.

"Alright, kiddos, let's pay attention to the real problem ahead." Karé spoke up, causing you to sigh the slightest. "We should be landing on Jakku very soon."

"Why is everything on Jakku..." Finn mumbled next to you. "Does— Does everyone love that damn sand planet? Why can't it be Tatooine? Huh?" Looking over at him, you chuckled.

"Tatooine? Really? Don't you like... hate sand?" You snickered, causing the young man to roll his eyes. "It's just a little sand, look, you fought Kylo Ren—the Kylo Ren—this should be cake." Patting his back, Finn nodded as he took in a deep breath. "You'll be fine, plus, you've got me," you winked.

In a matter of moments, everyone was piling out of their carriers, the TIE fighters and X-Wings flying high above in their own battle as everything suddenly unraveled in front of you—you knew this was going to be interesting, especially when you were about to see Finn participate in his first major mission that wasn't unplanned or last minute. "Alright, bud, let's do this!" Giving Finn's shoulder a tight squeeze of encouragement, you rushed off.

Blasts after blasts were being fired, things setting on fire while the ground exploded a good distance away from you. You lived for this kind of stuff, if it wasn't for the fact that your parents were war veterans and you lived a life on the battlefield, you wouldn't have been so casual with the thought you could die in any minute.

In reality, you greeted death like an old friend, if you were going to die—you were going to die with pride, knowing you did your people well. "Don't fall behind!" You shouted over to Finn as you shot at a few troopers, Finn rushing up towards you as the two of you hid behind a pile of junk. "You're gonna survive this!"

Nodding his head, he took in a deep breath. "Me?! I'm worried about you! You like running head in! Aren't you the least bit worried that you could be injured—or worse—killed?!" Finn shouted as you shrugged. "Are you even real?!"

"Apparently not!" Standing up, you fired the blasters in either of your hands, knocking out a handful of stormtroopers.

Rushing off, Finn threw his hands up in the air. "You have got to be kidding me!" He whined, rushing after you as you continuously shot, Finn shooting when necessary, you getting most of the troopers aiming your way. "Are— Are you always this... insane?!" Finn yelled as you nodded.

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