III. Bucketbrain

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For the past couple of days you heard nothing but Kylo's voice in your head, more than your own, it was like he took over your own thoughts.

At first, you were a bit irritated that you even let him in in the first place—you wanted your mind to yourself, a place of freedom when you were upset or disappointed, hell, even happy—so you'd kick Kylo out.

Of course, you'd feel the annoying tugging sensation that was Kylo begging for reentrance each and everytime so you allowed him in for a reason you didn't bother to uncover.

I'm such a sucker.

As much as you tried convincing yourself you were getting tired of hearing him speak to you, it grew to be a flat out lie, somehow his voice was nothing but a soother to you. Most of the time when you were left alone, your rage got to you, you were a happy person around your friends but to yourself you were the complete opposite—the death of your parents still weighed on your shoulders even if it had been almost a year.

Although you didn't want to admit to it, Kylo's voice was the sort of distraction you needed from your own mind.

And what are you doing now?

"Pacing in my room wondering how in the galaxy will I be able to kick you out for good," you teased, hearing a slight gasp come from Kylo's end. "I'm kidding, your voice isn't that bad anymore..."


"You see, at the beginning I was a bit irked because you just wouldn't shut up—but I remembered you have an immense crush on me so you're gonna try to say anything and everything you can to impress me since, well, you can't do it in person," you smirked to yourself as Kylo bit his inner lip from his side of the conversation; he knew you were right, but he didn't want to confess.

That's not true, I spoke to you because I simply can not see you.

"Not because you have a crush on me?" Crossing your arms as a silence was spread in between you and your Kylo narrated thoughts, you snickered. "I knew it."

Okay, I do have a... ugh, crush... on you, but that isn't why I talk to you a lot.

"Then what exactly is it, Ren?"

Why do you call me Ren? You sound annoyed.

"Because I can, Ren," you chuckled as Kylo sighed. "So, tell me, what is it really?"

I'm lonely... and you're the only person I can talk to.

Taking in a deep breath, you plopped on your bed. "That's quite reasonable seeing as you have a reputation and don't have the best relationship with your comrades... but that isn't fully it."

What? Yes it is!

"Why so defensive, Ren?" Lying back on your bed, you messed with your nails as you waited for a response.

I am not being defensive, kid.

"Kid? First sweets, now kid? Wow, I downgraded." You faked a frown, as if he could actually see it. "I'm sure we're the same age."

I'm thirty.

"I'm sure we're around the same age..."

It isn't like you're... nineteen, right?

Contemplating whether or not to mess with him, you decided not to respond.

You're a teen?!

"Hey! No screaming!" You snapped. "No, I'm not nineteen, relax, I'm nineteen and a half—"

That isn't funny...

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