XI. Toy With Abilities

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There was a state of panic within the Resistance—or at least amongst a small group within the organization. It had been a full twenty-four hours since Leia, herself, had last heard from you. After the twelve hour mark, she had become worried, not receiving a single message from you or even hearing about your arrival (if you even had).

"Something isn't right..." She spoke up to Rey and Luke. "She isn't gone, I can feel her... but somethings not right, I haven't heard from her."

"Didn't you say you heard something from the communicator?" Rey curiously asked.

"I was unsure, one of the officers was trying to check it out and trace where the signal was coming from... but nothing, it was deep space and couldn't get an exact location." Rubbing her forehead, Leia leaned on her desk.

"I feel her as well," Luke stated, "But not as well as you must..." Looking over at Rey, she gulped, focusing everything on you.

"Please... Please tell me she's alright..." Leia stood up straight once again as Rey's eyebrows knitted.

"I— It's hard to sense her, she was never the easiest person to read... let alone, feel..." Rey sighed. "But... I do feel something, it isn't much—"

"What is it?" Leia eagerly asked as she approached Rey.

"It's... It's pain? No... fear... It's a mixture of emotions. There's anger in her as well as despair and... disappointment?" Furrowing her eyebrows even more, Rey shook her head, "The last one is what I feel the most? As if... she had been let down?" Looking up at Luke and Leia, the two exchanged looks.

"Why would that be?" Luke asked Leia.

"I'm not so sure? She was fine these past few weeks... although lately she's been very busy, but she hasn't complained?" Rubbing her face, Leia sighed. "I fear it's something we've been unaware of..."

"Her emotions are hard to understand at times, she is very well at keeping them hidden... which only worries me, had she planned this?" Luke asked.

"No," Leia instantly answered. "She wouldn't go out of her way to worry us, let alone, withdraw from the Resistance... she's too loyal."

"Then what could it be?" Luke questioned. "Was she kidnapped?"

"She couldn't have been, who on Takodana would do that?"

"Takodana?" Rey asked. "Her mission was not on Takodana?"

"W— What do you mean?" Leia's eyebrows scrunched up as she suddenly felt her stomach turn. "Her assignment was to specifically visit Takodana—"

"No, it wasn't..." Rey shook her head, "I had ran into her before she left and she told me she had to go to Mandalore—"

"Mandalore?!" Leia exclaimed, eyes widening as her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "Who— Who told her to go to Mandalore?"

"I'm not so sure, I saw the mission statement and it clearly said Mandalore?" Rey's eyebrows narrowed once again.

"No, that isn't right... There was not a single mission to visit Mandalore... We don't associate with them..." Leia panicked, "Who could have done this? Falsely mislead her and give her the wrong information?!"


"No, Luke, she means the universe to me. That girl is like a daughter to me, she has no one left but us... I can not let this happen," her voice faltered as her jaw clenched. "We need to get as much information about that mission as we can." Aiming for the door, Rey called out.

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