VI. Bottom of my Heart

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Which is worse: the anticipation of returning to home base where Rey, Finn and Poe could be waiting to chew me out... or, the fact that I kissed-and-dashed Kylo Ren? The latter seems far more deadly... the latter it is.

Letting out a deep sigh, you leaned back in the pilots seat of the one-maned spacecraft, feeling your heart still racing against your chest. It had been a good twenty minutes since you had left—well, ran away from—Kylo, and yet, your heart was still pounding. This isn't how it's supposed to be.

Crossing your arms as you slowly sunk into your seat, you mentally scolded yourself for making such a drastic move—sure, Kylo was about to make it earlier, but you instantly dipped the moment he got extremely close—but why the sudden impulsive move?

Rubbing your forehead, you had hoped and prayed to Maker that your barriers were strong enough for you not to subconsciously let Kylo in, at this point, you were going to full on avoid him if you couldn't stick to hating him. "Stupid stupid stupid!"

Dumping the civilian clothes into a garbage chute, Kylo slid his helmet on moments before he made his way to the Command Shuttle. Lucky for him, he had the authority to tell the crew that this mission would last longer and that they should stay put, although it was all a flat out lie. As much as he felt the slightest of bad for making his men wait over five hours on a boring shuttle, at least none of them were aware of his true whereabouts.

After boarding the shuttle, Kylo found himself standing there, hearing nothing but his heart beating heavily in his chest—never had he felt such a sensation before unless it was pure anxiety or fear—not by a single kiss. It made his stomach turn, his heart throb, and his breath hitch at the thought and feeling of the kiss; somehow, your lips still lingered against his own.

Entering D'Qar's atmosphere, you felt a sudden wave of anticipation hit you, you weren't ready to be questioned... what would you even say? Oh, yeah, I snuck off to Coruscant to visit the enemy because he has a big crush on me and I'm sure I have a big crush on him too but I'm hard headed and will continue to push the fact away, but, hey! I kissed the man! And after that, I darted because I was afraid! Me! Afraid!

Dropping your head as your hands slid down the panel after landing, you sighed, this wasn't going to be easy to approach.

Climbing down the ladder and taking in small breaths, you hopped off the last bar before slowly turning around, thankful to see not a single soul approach you. "Phew..." Wiping the small sweat that dripped from your forehead, you held tightly onto the Coruscant liquor, ready to hide it under your jacket, that is until you realized you didn't have your jacket it. "Aw, you have got to be kidding me..."

Throwing your head back, you remembered you left it on the speeder Kylo took, only to make you realize more—Kylo must've noticed and kept it. The last thing you needed was someone in the First Order finding out their commander had a jacket from the captain of the Resistance. Leaning your forehead against the ship, you let out a huff, things weren't going in your favor at the moment.

Holding onto his cowl that was crumbled up rather than neatly folded, Kylo's grip tightened as he looked down at it, the ranking badge appearing through a crack from the small opening, there was no way in the galaxy Kylo was going to allow anyone to notice the Resistance jacket. The moment he realized you had left it behind was far too late; he couldn't possibly just leave the evidence behind nor casually carry it around, so he had to do something. "Commander sir, we shall be reaching the Finalizer in 5."

Lightly gulping as he looked away from the cowl, he turned his head to the officer and nodded his head. Before anything, he was going to have to hide the jacket well enough.

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