II. Sweets

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There was nothing like the sweet feeling of returning home—or that burning sensation that still lingered on your cheek from Kylo's kiss—it almost was as if the man had lips of fire that burned with passion and desire... which only made you the slightest of flustered and irritated.

Flying the TIE fighter wasn't as bad as you expected, although it was tricky, you remembered a few tips Poe had told you about piloting which were (surprisingly) useful.

Before entering the planets atmosphere, you were somehow able to hack and interfere through the Resistance base radio waves to contact the landing crew, telling them who you exactly were and for them to look out for a TIE fighter, requesting they not fire it down—you did want to land in one piece and with only one injury.

Landing the starfighter, you rather quickly climbed out, hissing here and there at the pain in your thigh as you walked towards the entrance of the base. Hearing muffled talking coming from the meeting room, you came to a stop as you stood in the doorway, everyone's voice hollowing out as they turned to face you. "You can't possibly think the First Order could keep me, did you?"

Standing there with arms wide open and a smug look, you were instantly engulfed in a hug by Finn. "You had to be so damn daring, didn't you?" He breathed as you slowly wrapped your arms around him. "You have no idea how worried sick I was about you. It's good to see you home," he now nodded, pushing you back and holding onto your shoulders.

"It's good to see you, too." Smiling up at him, Rey nearly shoved him out of the way as she hugged you. "He—"

"Next time I yell at you please turn around!" She nearly blurted in your ear as you had hugged back.

"Okay, first of all, I did... second of all," pushing her back and pointing to your thigh, she frowned. "Thought so."

"I'm sorry... I was just trying to warn you about Kylo Ren," she sighed, looking at the injury, then back up at you. "Finn and I tried to get your attention, to tell you he was coming for you... but you were too caught up defending yourself."

Waving a hand, you shrugged. "It's fine, as you can see, I'm safe now. If you and Poe did it—I can do it, too." Nodding your head with a smile, Rey gave you a warm one back. "Speaking of which... where's the Jawa scaredy cat?" Before you could even turn to look for him, Poe hugged you from behind.

"Thank the stars, you're okay... I knew you'd get out of there in one piece!" Poe squeezed you in his embrace as you chuckled. "But don't doubt for a second I wasn't going to plot a plan to rescue you—"

"Really?" Turning around, you crossed your arms. "Unlike you, I didn't need a rogue trooper to save my ass—"

"Woah, hey! In my defense, I was being tortured alright? You look pretty damn okay to me!" Poe pointed to himself as you rolled your eyes, grinning as you shoved his arm.

"That's because I'm just that good." Shrugging, your eyes landed on Leia as she had entered the room. "General..."

"Captain..." Gazing up at you, she only smacked your arm the slightest before pointing a finger. "I told you not to engage in action with the commander!"

"I— I didn't!" You exclaimed with your hands up in defense. "He came to me!"

"I know, I know," she smiled, "I'm just kidding... though I do wish you weren't such a daredevil at times. As much as it's helpful, it's a bit... worrisome—"

"Tell me about it," Finn huffed with an eye roll as you shook your head.

"Let's get you bandaged and cleaned up, you need a good nap as well." Walking side by side as Poe offered an arm to help you walk—although you were perfectly fine to do so on your own—you still took it as it eased the pain a bit.

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