XV. Stop at Nothing

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It had almost been a week since you first arrived on the Finalizer, four days since you started training and four days since you and Kylo had a civil conversation. Ever since your encounter of leaving your clothes behind, Kylo had been nothing but dry and distant with you—just like day one.

You were well aware you deserved this after putting the blame on him for being there (and not treating him equally) but you still couldn't regain the trust when you still didn't know if he took part in the ordeal or not. The knights were his problem, he was their master, how was it possible that something his men did slipped under his nose? You wanted to believe he was oblivious to the fact, seeing as he was unaware as to why you were on the ship or how you got there, but you still found it difficult to believe.

So you kept like how it was since you first met him. You trusted him with certain things but not with your life—even if it was clear he protected you and watched out for you no matter what. You just weren't ready for it, not when you had just started to trust him only for you to be kidnapped and practically held hostage under his watch.

But it was hard to be equally as dry and your old self with him when your heart ached for the man—even if you had been living with him in his own living quarters, sharing his bed, and his shower... and his closet—you were quiet rather than your usual harsh self.

Then there was your training. The first day you started you felt out of place, and you knew Kylo had too. He didn't seem to want to do any of it, he was apprehensive and didn't even try fighting when you started with hand-to-hand combat. It wasn't what you expected, you braced yourself for the man to give it all he got, to use every bit of his body and even use the plastic sabers to fight. But what did you get?


Sitting there in complete silence as Kylo sat across form you, legs crossed and eyes closed, you focused on your breathing and the Force flowing within you. Of course, you were amazed that a man like Kylo Ren would even think about meditating, you thought he was above that; and you never even saw yourself to be the meditating kind. Yet, here you were, completely at ease and lost within the Force. Why was Kylo teaching you something like this when you were sure this was not the way of the dark side?

Slowly opening his eyes and seeing you sit there, body relaxed with your eyes shut, he took in a small breath. The tension between the two of you was thicker than ever, and as much as he hated it, he did it because now you were his apprentice living on the same vessel as him when the Supreme Leader could find out at any given moment that there was a sort of bond that wasn't just friendly.

Sensing nothing but a tranquil aura about you as you must've had complete focus on the Force, Kylo's shoulders dropped. He knew very well that you were strong with the Force, a little too strong for your own good and he could feel it pulsing through you. Although he was a bit amazed in the fact, he didn't want you to be such way when a man like Snoke could find out in any given second and use you for it.

Kylo wanted to protect it, to protect you, because he didn't want you to have the life he had—you already had your own issues, he didn't want to add more to the overloaded pile.

"May I ask as to why you are staring at me?" You spoke up as Kylo blinked, lightly tensing up in his spot. You were too strong with the Force. "It's sort of distracting when I'm trying to relax and act like I'm not in the enemies vessel being forced to be an apprentice of the dark side."

Gulping as his eyebrows narrowed, Kylo let out a small breath. There was the woman he knew. "I am making sure you're doing it right." He lied as you let out a sigh. "Meditating isn't easy."

"I don't know about you, but for me it is," you simply shrugged, eyes still closed as Kylo shook his head. "I know it's only been four days, but I'd like to know when we'll be training with actual weapons?"

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