XXI. Risk My Life

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The anticipation was eating you alive. The closer the spacecraft had gotten to the moon, the faster your anxious heart pounded against your chest. You knew you couldn't back down now, not when you had people—Force ghosts—you'd only disappoint. Let alone, let down an entire galaxy. You had to do this. You were going to make things right. After suffering for so long, you were going to take the opportunity to save someone close to you for once.

Standing just outside of the ships ramp, feeling the now heavy rain pat against your body and drench you from head to toe, you took in a deep breath. It was dark out, the sky lit up with lightning and echoed with thunder. The wind was strong and so was the downpour—so much for a battle in terrible weather conditions.

It was freezing. Now that you had left all your extra layers back on Tatooine, you were unable to warm yourself. Although you were cold, the anticipation and the burning desire within yourself to win was keeping your temperature up. Anything to keep you in motion.

Turning your attention from the caverns entrance, over to the forrest of trees to your left, a strong surge in the Force was felt. A heavy presence. He was waiting.

"You can do this," Obi Wan spoke behind you. "I will be by your—" Being cut off, you looked over to see Obi Wan's Force ghost coming in and out. "I will—" Instantly disappearing, your eyebrows furrowed, blinking as you turned your attention back ahead and seeing the man nowhere in sight.

Letting out a sigh, you followed the pull in the Force. If this had been Snoke trying to lure you in, he was doing the right thing—leading you right to him.

Walking against the rapidly falling rain, making your way through the trees as your heart echoed in your ears, your breathing intensified. With every step you took, growing closer and closer to the man, your heartbeat grew faster.

Stepping against twigs, over exposed roots and around muddy pathways, you came to a sudden stop. He was near and you could feel it. It was almost as if he knew you were coming back for him.

"The Resistance captain turned dark side apprentice..." Hearing the bone chilling voice, you cautiously looked around and ahead of you. Looking over your shoulder, you saw a figure approaching. Turning around, your fists tightened at your sides as your jaw clenched. "You have come to greet death, I see."

"I have not... for you, we will see," you responded. You weren't about to die in the hands of Snoke.

"Your confidence is strong... so is your will to fight. But do you have the courage? The need to defeat me is there, but, could you kill me? Would you kill me, little captain?" He questioned as you shifted your jaw. You weren't surprised he sensed where you stood in this, even if you slowly questioned where it was you had fit in.

Ever since the revelation of you being Force sensitive, along with being trained under Kylo and everything that had happened in between, you had a sort of doubt in you that itched at your skin. Something you didn't want to scratch. "One only kills for self defense. If the time must come where my life is threatened and it is my only option, then it must happen," you breathed. You've killed before, but that was defending yours—and your comrades—lives. "One of us will prevail."

"Do you know why it is I've decided to take you in?" Snoke questioned as he grew closer.

"Do you mean, kidnapped?" You raised an eyebrow, correcting him.

"Do you?" Looking over at you as he began to circle your figure, you took in a breath.

"Because you wanted to give your apprentice his own student in hopes I'd be the factor to help defeat the Resistance," you answered, seeing Snoke come back into your view as he came to a stop after doing a full three-sixty.

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