XXII. I Love You

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Leaving the spacecraft on autopilot as Kylo took you to the back to mend your wound, you sat in front of him, on a table as you watched him work his way around. Now sitting with your leggings uneven as Kylo had to rip one off to get to the burn, it didn't seem to bother you as the spacecraft wasn't all that cold. You were thankful you were no longer surrounded by rain or a freezing temperatures... although you were trembling from being wet.

Carefully wrapping the gauze around your thigh after he had cleaned it out and placed some bacta ointment, you bit your inner cheek as you were fixed on him. He was so gentle with you, so careful, and it only made you feel sick. A person like yourself hated being treated like glass as if you'd easily break, you were tough and you handled pain easily... but when it came to Kylo treating you such way—the massive threat himself—you felt so weak that you easily succumbed.

You felt as if you could melt right there and then at the sight of him taking care of you. If it had been anyone else, you probably would've told them off already for helping you out when you could do it on your own. But Kylo was different. He was the man you had grown so attached to, so close to, you didn't have the will to shove him away.

You wanted him there, to mend your wounds and to treat you like you were a rare crystal. From him and only him, you appreciated that sort of attention. It made your skin tingle as your stomach filled with butterflies. You felt like a little girl with the biggest crush on someone and—in all honesty—you've grown to like the feeling. If not, love it.

And love was something you were clearly feeling that you knew was about time to accept because, after fighting it for so long, there was no use in hiding it. You loved the man as much, if not more, than you've ever loved anyone else. Now, you couldn't quite compare it to Kylo's love for you as you were still hesitant, but, you did very much love the man with your entire being.

It was sickening and made you want to gag, but, it also made you happy. Because, for once, you could truly love someone without being afraid to.

Closing up the wrap, Kylo placed the excess material away as he sat in front of you, shutting the kit and placing it to a side as you took in a deep breath. "That should—"

"I love you!" You blurted out, staring at the man as you couldn't hold it any longer. Growing wide eyed as his heart began to flutter against his chest, you repeated yourself. "I love you, Kylo."

Blinking as he couldn't find it within himself to speak or even move, his stomach flipped, heart pooling up at his feet as if it had melted. No one has ever said 'I love you' to him the way you meant it. It was one thing to admit it to someone, but it was another to receive it.

"I love you... a lot and... and I've come to realize that I have been for quite a bit but never wanted to admit it because I didn't believe it myself. In my eyes, you were the enemy, you were the person I was supposed to avoid... but it didn't seem to stop me. I tried so hard to convince myself it wasn't true, that I couldn't feel something for someone because I was afraid to but... but now I know it's very much true. Everyone deserves love even if we don't think we do... even if we fear losing them. I was so scared to fall in love because I thought I brought nothing but bad luck, that is why I am the way I am, I don't need anyone dying around me. I've lost too much and I—"

Within a matter of seconds, Kylo was standing up, hands clutching onto your cheeks as his lips crashed against your own. Eyes wide, your body fell stiff as Kylo kissed you, your whole body being alarmed from the sudden move. "You won't lose me," he reassured against the kiss, only to move back to look you in the eyes. "I promise you that. You have me... and I have you and that's all I need."

Gulping, you nodded. "If I can do this, so can you." Feeling your heart skip a beat, your arms instantly wrapped over his shoulders as you pulled him into a tight embrace.

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