XIX. Keep It Alive

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Standing in front of the small crowd as Leia gave off an empowering speech before her men as they were about to leave on their mission, she took in a small breath. "I know how risky this mission will be for you all... infiltrating the First Order's vessel that is the Finalizer, watching out for your two comrades who will go inside...but, this is vital. This is for a fellow officer, soldier, and Resistance member. She means just as much to this organization like each and every one of you do. I have hope in my men and I know you can handle this. That is why I send you off." She nodded. "May the Force be with you."

Seeing everybody nod before they darted off to prepare, piling into their vessels and readying themselves to begin the mission, Leia walked up to Luke. "I went to her room..."

"What did you find?" He spoke over to her as Leia took in a small breath.

"It wasn't much... but it said a lot." She nodded, looking down before looking over at her twin. "Luke... Ben is still in there and I think," taking in a deep breath, Leia felt her eyes burn up, "I think she is the reason why he's coming back to himself."

"What do you mean?" Luke questioned.

"Ben... he's been seeing her, protecting her on the battlefield. I can't say how I know, but— but I've seen it through items," she explained. "Luke... I don't think my son has anything to do with her kidnapping, even if it were his men. It can't be, I don't believe it. Luke, the things I saw, the things he's done... it wouldn't make sense as to why he would do such a thing."

Eyeing his sister as he could sense the worry, Luke lied a hand on her shoulder. "Rey and I will find her and by then we will know." Nodding her head, Leia swallowed. "For now, keep that hope in you."

"I want them safe..."

"And they will be, we will find them," Luke insisted. "We will bring them home." At that, Luke gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before walking off.

"Bring them home..." Leia repeated as she watched Luke walk up the ramp alongside Rey. "Please..."

Lying with your eyes shut as you were caught in between the real world and your dream world, you couldn't seem to get the thought out of your mind—the weapon. You had the sudden urge to find it, to make it your own. At this point, you knew you were destined to find it after the many dreams you've had relating to the man who owned it... but, why did it call to you?

It felt almost as if you were in a trance and the only set goal for you was to sneak out and escape to Tatooine to find the object... but how? Not only was Kylo constantly by your side and could easily sense your intentions, Snoke was also nearby. When the time comes, an opportunity will strike.

Letting the Force take control as you knew it had a set path for you, you slowly opened your eyes. If now wasn't the time to go, then you'd know soon enough.

Eyeing Kylo as he was the first thing in your line of vision, you lightly smiled. He looked so peaceful asleep. Even though the two of you have shared a bed numbers of times, you still couldn't get over how cute he looked when he was resting.

His expression was so tranquil, so at ease like he's never been. During one of the nights you had been cuddled up against Kylo, he told about how he barely slept on the daily—his most sleep was below the average which only made you concern. The man also admitted that each time he slept with you, he actually slept rather than lied in bed for hours trying to find a comfortable position or be bombarded by nightmares. You helped him rest, and sometimes, you were the center of his dreams.

It made you happy knowing you helped him out with his troubles, at least a small bit. He needed it and you knew how much of an influence you had on him. You just still couldn't grasp the idea. It still amazed you how much a man like Kylo Ren was enthralled in you.

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