XIV. Kenobi

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There was a state of panic that took over your mind, body, and soul. The overwhelming weight of grief and confusion washing over your emotions as you felt yourself succumb to the fear that was coursing through your veins. Whatever had triggered it, you were running for your dear life away from it. Your adrenaline was keeping you afloat from the horror you must've been rushing away from. Constantly looking over your shoulder, you only came to a complete stop as your eyes landed on a group of stormtroopers surrounding something—rather—someone.

Trying your damnedest to steady your breathing, your hand clutched onto your mouth as your eyes were glued on the scene unravelling before you. Hiding behind a tree, you peaked your head out just enough to see a familiar redhead and trooper in chrome come into view. Narrowing your eyes as the circle of troops opened up for the two, you nearly gasped only to feel your throat lock as the air got caught.

Clutching onto the tree, you leaned forward the slightest as you could see the two kneeling figures at the center—two oh too familiar figures you wish hadn't been there. "How foolish must you be to let yourselves get captured?" Phasma questioned as she tilted her head the slightest. "Two of the best Resistance officers are now in the hands of the First Order... how could you have allowed this to happen?"

"That is of no importance to you," your father spoke up, causing you to lunge forward to only fall still as you couldn't move a single muscle, feeling glued to the ground. Were you in that much of a panic that your body couldn't move? Were you really that terrified?

"No importance? Now that you two are in our custody, I think it its rather important, Resistance scum." Gulping, you tried and tried to move, but not a single fiber in your body had the will to do it, it was as if you were stuck in a trance.

"I don't care what you think, you won't ever get anything out of us," your father seethed, speaking through his clenched jaw as your mother sat there, glaring at the chrome figure.

Releasing a small sigh, Phasma took a step forward and looked down at your parents, "that is rather disappointing when your life is in our hands."

"So be it," your father growled.

Standing in the back as he held a questioning look as he knew they were hiding something, Hux stepped forward, "we have direct orders from the Supreme Leader, there is no time to waste. If they do not speak up, then you do not hold back." Turning on his heel and stepping away, Phasma took a step back as two troopers stepped up and stood in front of either of your parents.

"I guess you shall be getting what you wanted." Lifting up a hand, the two troopers lifted their blasters, "on my command."

The urge to scream was building up in your throat, the desire to reach out and save them from their fatal end rang through your bones, but you couldn't do a single thing—you still could not move—and for a reason unknown to you, you were paralyzed from head to toe.

"Aim..." Placing their fingers on the triggers, your eyebrows scrunched up even more as your eyes pooled up with tears, heart racing as fast as the speed of light with every second that passed. "Fire."

Watching everything happen so slowly, your eyes clenched shut, only to feel a sudden change in the ambience as if you weren't alone; but before you could understand the feeling, you were thrown into oblivion the second your eyes reopened.

Feeling the few tears trickle down your cheeks as your lips trembled, your line of vision was surrounded by nothing but pure darkness. Doing a complete 360, there was no way in or out wherever you were, so how did you get in there? "M— Ma... Pa?" Your voice echoed as you called out, feeling shivers run down your spine.

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