IV. Sleep Well, Kid

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Falling in love with the enemy was not an option, especially when he was the biggest problem and cause of the war, you couldn't possibly think it was sane enough to feel such things for a man like him.

So you didn't, or at least you tried not to by pushing your attraction towards the damn demon to a side. You hated how much you were attracted to Kylo, the fact that he had saved your ass a good three times now didn't make your so-called hate for him any stronger.

"I shouldn't be here any longer, my people need me," you stood up, slightly wincing at the pain on your hip as Kylo stuck out a cautious hand.

"You're insane, you know they're out there looking for you—"

"My people need me, Ren. Now that I know your lovely general tricked us, I need to warn them, we have to leave or else there will be way too many casualties that will weigh on my shoulders!" You pointed to yourself as you nearly snapped. "Thank you for helping me, but I must go." Turning on your heel and walking out, Kylo followed you.

"You can't possibly think this is the smartest idea you've come up with? Walking blindly out there when Hux could be looking for you or hiding out there and preparing for an attack at any minute!" He called out to you as he quickly followed. Although he didn't know you that well, he knew for a fact you were stubborn as hell and he couldn't bear it.

"I know that very well, but seeing as no one but myself knows the true reason as to why your men are out here, I must risk it all in order to save them. You wouldn't know that as I'm sure you'd leave men behind without a second thought," you spoke over your shoulder as Kylo's jaw shifted in aggravation. He was slowly learning not to take your harsh remarks to heart, he was well aware that you two were enemies and that you were doing this to push him away. "My family is out there, if I had to choose between them and Endor, they come first," you said as you came to a stop, turning around to face him.

Shaking his head, he took a few more steps ahead. "You can't just go out there unarmed, kid. You have nothing on you, your blasters were washed away in the river along with any other weapons you had." Kylo stated as you mentally cursed yourself, not realizing you had lost them.

Shutting your eyes for a moment, you reopened them and instantly snatched the blaster from his holster. "Not anymore," you winked as you waved the weapon. "You're lucky I didn't take the lightsaber instead," Nudging your head towards the weapon, Kylo looked down at it before looking back up at you to see you were already climbing down.

"Dammit! I told you not to go!" Rapidly climbing down with you, your feet had hit the ground and soon after Kylo's. "If you go out there alone, you'll—" Cutting himself off as he eyed his surroundings, you slowly turned around and followed his gaze, only to back up into him. "You said you hadn't seen Ewoks in a while..." He mumbled as you narrowed your eyes, taking in a deep breath as one of the Ewoks harshly pointed a spear at you, making you gasp and back into Kylo once again.

"Not these, they look like they're carrying our death sentences!" You loudly whispered over to him. "This is your fault, if you would've just let me leave alone we wouldn't have been surrounded."

"My fault?!" He nearly shouted, causing the Ewoks to move in closer, pressing the sharp tips against your stomach and Kylo's back. "How is it my fault that I am concerned over your well being!"

"Well... don't be! We are enemies, Ren, shouldn't you want me in harms way?!" Rolling his eyes at your statement, you subconsciously grew closer to Kylo as you really didn't want to die in the hands of small, angry, fuzz balls.

"You have got to be kidding me, I didn't just save you back there—"

"I don't need your sarcasm now when we're surrounded by little upset bears!" You shook your head. "Who are not the cute and cuddly kind!"

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