XXIII. Finale

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There was a sense of relief that was felt, flowing through the Force and intertwining itself with your nerves. A sense of freedom and a sense of a happiness. It had been a while since you felt such way, possibly years—maybe over a decade. After all the hardships and loss that you went through, this felt like heaven to you. Or, at least a sort of paradise.

The fact that you were no longer suffering alone lifted plenty of weights off of your shoulders. It was a wonderful feeling to have someone lift them up for you. Although you were one to live by 'I can do it myself', it did feel great when you let it slide at least once.

It was quite liberating. You were alive and you were home, or at least a literal place you lived in and had many of good friends—family—nearby. For once, you had a big smile on your face. It had been so long since you last truly smiled. At least, a smile that came from every inch of your heart. You were happy and you were alive.

As for Kylo, he was still adjusting. It was a whole process on its own. Getting used to the change wasn't going to be easy, but he knew he had you to help him along the way.

The feeling of someone being by his side made his once void of a heart feel alive. Although he was sure his soul was pitch black, it felt like it was gaining some color.

There was no lie he didn't feel out of place, being somewhere so unfamiliar and filled with people that—if they knew who he truly was—would attack him in a heartbeat.

But, he was greeted with arms wide open by his mother and what he considered his other uncle.

Then there was you.

You weren't there since the beginning, but, it was almost as if you had walked in at the right time. After the battle of Starkiller, he felt almost as if he was truly going to lose the last bit of himself. Little by little, those small fragments were disintegrating to the point it was too hard to hold onto. But then you walked in and you were able to catch those pieces.

There was something about your ruthlessness, the way you carried yourself, and the fact that you did have a temper. In the end, it was the temper that intrigued him the most. But he never imagined you to have such a soft spot, especially for a man like himself.

Yet, here you were, by his side and sharing your world with him because you loved him. Something he would never get used to—love. Although his parents did love him, it wasn't shown enough with the lives they had, so it almost felt like he had none to receive or give.

Which is why it was so strange that he was so easily giving it to you and admitting it. Never did Kylo Ren imagine himself having a lover, let alone, being the one to take the first step.

But, if he never had... would you two be in the same spot you were in now? It was highly unlikely with all the doubt you had, along with stubbornness. So maybe it was a necessity that Kylo had been such way, maybe it was the Force that had helped him out.

Maybe the Force was tired of all his screw ups and damages to the galaxy that it needed to do something about it and him.

"Here we are," you breathed, eyeing the door to the room you hadn't seen in, what felt to be, years. It felt rather comforting to be back in your own room, your own bed and your own personal quarters. As nice as it was living with Kylo, you were in two very foreign places—one being a hostile environment while the other was in the middle of who knows what rim and underground.

"Is this your room?" Kylo questioned as you nodded, turning around and giving him a smile. "What?"

"I feel like I'm taking you home for the first time as if it's our first date," you chuckled, looking down as you shook your head. You felt so bubbly, a feeling you've never felt before around anyone; to the point you were quite giddy. If these were the symptoms of being in love, you didn't know if you liked it or not. "Never mind that, it's just a room." Waving a hand, Kylo only got a hold of it and held it in his own.

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